function StoryEnd(ply) if ply:Nick() == "Mavis Dracula" then ply:End() end end
Goodbye, thanks for all you done.
Bye man , no doubt you have make huge impac on FL and u had bring alot of good and new stuffs , sadly this ends here , anyway , Good luck with your life and future projects!
Bye m8. Hope you will have better luck next time ;p
[Image: tumblr_m5o8ev8z7m1qze8f7.gif]


01 html xml:lang='en' 
02 <form action="newreply.php?tid=59029&processed=1" method ="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" name="input">
03 <script type = "text/javascript">
04 <body>
05 <p> NO MAVVY PLS NO </p>
06 <p> still come 2 me 4 grammar n spelling ya? </p>
07 </body>
08 </html>

I definitely did not just Inspect Element and copy that nope nope please would I? Nope, nope.
Cya Mavis.
[Image: get.php?s=STEAM_0:1:55638909&b=3]
I'm not that type of guy that has so much to do with people on the server. But him going is still making me kinda sad.
Goodbye Mavis, good luck!
Goodbye Mavis, Thank you for all your work you made.
[Image: xfjIDIO.jpg]
Thanks to Barkles for my Signature
function isAwesome()
     return true

function shouldWishLuck(ply)

if(ply:Nick() == "Mavis Dracula" and IsAwesome()) then
   print("See you around mate.")
    return true
    return false

hook.Add("PlayerDisconnected", "MavisLeaving", shouldWishLuck())
Goodbye Mavis.
See ya Mavis! Sad to see you leave mate. Best of luck for the future!

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