Clan Error
So. I created a clan and I invited my friend, but I can't promote him because it says 'User not found'. And when he leaves the server, then joins, he isnt in the clan anymore. Then I invite him again, I still can't promote him. Help?
clan system is really really fucked up
Many others are getting problems with the clan system and the developers need to look into it, just give them sometime and it should be working again fine.
Try using his steamID to promote him in game, might work then.
Will try.
are you sure he isn't in a clan? If he is he needs to leave before accepting the invite
No, he isn't in a clan.
You'll have to wait until the devs fix the system up.

This is pretty much an un-avoidable issues until it's fixed.

Just keep re-inviting him until it's permanent, the server sound send it to the database eventually.

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