FearlessRP ever gonna die?
Less players? I always have to wait to join the server.
Fearless is slowly dying, more and more minges are joining the server and more and more admins are getting inactive and when they are active i never get my hands on them using @ and more and more good RP'ers are leaving and passiveRP is rare these days, i my self love passive and i dont understand why more people dont. The FL community is starting to get filled with minges and the real people are being pushed over the cliff, really they do. I bet most people leave FL for the reason the minges and most off them not getting punished as i said that admins are becoming less active. With that being said, yes the FL community will die but not really yet. Sure the server has had its days when the V2D server was full and you had to wait 20 minutes in a queue and the admins were active and actually responded to @ calls instead of having the excuse im "busy". But FL can have lots of potential if the admins just start being more active and giving out harder punishments. Here is a quote from my favorite cinematic in the game World of Warcraft "No king rules forever" which means that Soul (the king) will one day not rule the server anymore and he will most likely shut it down. But maybe im wrong and someone else takes over the server and makes it like the old days.
Kind regards,
Fearless Donator
it's been dying
It is dying slowly. Alot of the "Elite" Players (people whit alot of hours and experience) are leaving more and more.
Everything has to end at some point...
[Image: S5YZyrw.png]
It's quite a hard call to make. People might call me out for posting here, since I'm one of the members who jumped ship a year ago, on that faithful day.

Back then, everyone thought Fearless was going to collapse. No Staff Team, the servers in chaos, and members leaving by the dozens each day. I'm sure Soul's panties were in a bunch for the month of July and August.

But then, as the new Staff Team was quickly hired and began policing the servers, things began to calm down. New Members, and new members of the Elite began to rise. Clans like FUMUKU were long gone, but new ones sprang up.

Fearless has taken a bullet to the gut before, it took a bullet to the gut again a year ago, and its continuing on. Although, everyone has their breaking points with bullets in the gut...
It is not dying
Why does this thread have to be so edgy?
And what's up with that colour for the text, or the way it's placed?
Bruh.. Just make the question simple instead of that dramatic BS.

No it's not dying.
Will fearlessRP ever die? Eventually everything will die, so yes.

Is fearlessRP's time over? Not yet lol

Does fearlessRP need to come up with something new? Updates are always nice, so yes.
[Image: tumblr_oq4diiJxBR1uo87guo1_500.gif]
Quote:Will fearlessRP ever die?

Yes, everything comes to an end.

Quote:Is fearlessRP's time over?

No, not at all.

Quote:Does fearlessRP need to come up with something new?

There is big room for improvement, and many suggestions is added every day, but that is also the reason why FL won't die anytime soon, because they keep implementing these things.
   [Image: uickTS0.png] +Rep

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