Allow usage of M4A1 to Police
First off, I'll have to mention that I love being Police. Being a Police-OFficer is one of my favourite RPs to do, and you'll often see me rocking the HN16 tag while handing out some sweet justice.

As much I'd love to stand a better chance against criminals with AKs, Galils and etc I'll -Support this suggestion and here's why:

Currently, only the SRU are the only governmental team that has access to some heavy guns. This makes the SRU usefull as they respond to cases where the officers MP5s just won't do.

If we were to let the Police team carry M4s then the SRU job would have no real purpose as the job then wouldn't be needed. Sure the SRU team would still have riotshields and keypadcrackers, but that's about it.

People are bad enough at requesting backup from SRU team, if we give the officers M4s then they will not be dependent on SRU and the heavy weapons that they now assist with. If we make the Police-job into the SRU job, then we might as well rename the SRU job to Nexus-Camping-Dictator-Squad as that will be their only role.
I think the government is balanced well enough compared to the other jobs. A good government can already deal with more or less any threats.

You can say "Oh, but it's alot more realistict," but the fact is that FL isn't a direct representation of the real world. Things need to be balanced, and things need to be dumbed down some times in order for the RP's sake.

You guys can bring up articles and videos about Police Officers and how they are heavily armed, or should be and yada yada yada, but it comes down to balancing and etc.

- Support.

TLDR: Police will replace SRU, rendering SRU more or less useless as they're no longer unique in the government and what they can bring to a fight. This will also cause some balancing issues.

Now I realize that my opinion here will be unpopular with most of you. You guys like to shoot shit up and hell... I love to shoot shit the hell up, but this is a decision that will have more negative consequences than good. What I'd like to see implemented instead is a toggleable audio-sirene which we can turn off and on instead of having to wait for it to play for 30 seconds till it finishes.

[Image: but-wait-theres-more.jpg]

The solution to fix this:

IF we were to allow the SRU to equip heavier guns (Galils, AKs and etc) then they'd still be more heavily armed than the Police, thus making them stand out more and actually be more useful so they can serve their purpose as heavy-weapon-assistance.

If we give Police M4s, then let SRU equip Galils, AKs and etc (Only a few more guns, not all of em) then this would be more fair.
What could be the issue here though is that now you got a heavily armored government where they spawn with free kevlar and are able to really bring out some heavy guns. This could cause balance-issues where the other criminal groups would be underpowered. A way to counter this could be to allow the Rebels and Corleones to raid and cooperate together.

I think for now, we should let things be how it is. If we upgrade the government then we should upgrade the criminals a bit aswell to prevent a major shift of balance in the game.

Thank you for skimming through my 05:00 AM rant.

Spoiler :
If you actually properly read my whole post, then I salute you.

Sincerely, Enzyme
Ex-Supervising Administrator
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I agree with most but not all points put forward by Enzyme. Things in bold are things I disagree
(08-07-2014, 02:43 AM)Enzyme Wrote: I think the government is balanced well enough compared to the other jobs. A good government can already deal with more or less any threats.

This could cause balance-issues where the other criminal groups would be underpowered.

I think for now, we should let things be how it is. If we upgrade the government then we should upgrade the criminals a bit aswell to prevent a major shift of balance in the game.
Currently, the Police force is way underpowered, A car can stop pull out an LMG and gun you down without even effort. Sure, things may seem balanced to you since your an Admin, people get on their goody two shoes to get an RP point, it's not how it regularly is for you. Yes, you could get a very good government, but the fact is, that they are very rare, you are very lucky if you get two experienced players in 33x. The government is supposed to have the advantage of Organization, I don't see any. I have, for the last few days, been the most experienced player on the police force.

Don't bring up "oh well play on v2d n00b", Do you want to know why V2D is so Populated and so good at RP and 33x and V2P has a horrible experience? Because everyone wants RP points, they want to suck up the admins so Hard that their tongue falls out. It's the truth. I can't even play on v2d as I don't want to splash out my own money just to buy CS:S to reduce lag.

Sure, you have the odd admin like Infernaw or Burnett who I thank you for going on those servers. I have even seen Soul Ripper there. But the problem there is they are there Policing the minges, not roleplaying or observing players.

Finally, I wish to say that, if it is not to say give Police the M4A1, the whole balance of the game is severely skewed. And needs major overhaul.


(FYI you should get a code for a spoiler like thing, using Rant instead of spoiler cause it'd be neat. :3 )
+support x900000000000000000
Finally got through Enzyme's Post.... For a 5AM rant it was quite specific.

I would also agree to -support as it would render SRU useless.
However it would be good for the SRU to be better equipped, so that they are at least matched to their opponent. Also it would make sure that criminals found it a lot harder to do some of the things they do, with SRU being equally matched.

The short answer to your post enzyme; SRU has the ability to use sniper rifles, and they are the ones who should be using submachine guns. The reason for this is because you won't often be using an AR 15 rifle for room clearing, coupled to the fact that a patrol officer isn't the one doing breach and clear, more along the lines of reinforcing the highly trained team handling the CQC. I'm mostly delving into in character reasoning. I think, mostly since this is roleplay, we give rifles to our patrol officers. The SRU team doesn't enter a situation which doesn't already have standard officers on scene, and the idea is that they can respond the quickest, yet should still be equipped to contain a heated situation. I would do that with a rifle. I understand that people say the mp5 is good ebough, but it simply isn't, and doesn't make sense for a patrol officer.
[Image: 242dge9.jpg]

Jericho 'Toxic' McAndrews: F.I.I.D: SD: 7332
FUMUKU International: Security Division

“The highest distinction is service to others.”
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Changed opinion +support would be useful.
Enzyme, to sum it up, 6 police officers with mp5s is still going to be way more powerful than 3 SRU with a ump45 and 1 with an m4a1.

The thing is you just dont see an entire police team ALL with mp5s, it doesnt happen often.

And as ive mentioned before, the ump45 even does more damage per shot than the m4a1.

The mp5 is excellent at close to medium-close range, and thats about it, SRU are the ones that should be breaching buildings, therfore their ump45s become effective.

(08-07-2014, 10:09 PM)Sgt. Suarez Wrote: I'm going to have to agree with enzyme. I love police RP and SRU would be useless, and in addition to the fact you people are saying that police don't have much firepower, well in the uk the most we have is a tazer yet not every police officer even has one. I don't know what countries you're in but for officers to carry around machine guns is just strange, they'll only have machine guns if they are protecting Buckingham Palace or such places

You're trying to compare real life to a video game and its not working. I dont think a police department would get into 10 gunfights and have to defend the president in real life do you?

On yet another note enzyme, it would be realistic for SRU to be using galils, as swat typically use galils, snipers, and mp5s in real life. This would give them more power to balance it out even though I dont agree that it would make it unbalanced.
I don't know if anyone mentioned it before, but why not make the SRU come with more kevlar or protection than the cops? Why should they have the same damage reduction than a cop? The SRU character model shows that they come equipped with helmets, kevlar and similar.

Why not make it so the SRU takes less damage on headshots than the cops? IMO. the 50% bullet protection is quite bad. Make the specific hitboxes take lower damage instead. This would make it more balanced and the SRU wouldn't be underpowered.

I +support the suggestion for the reasons stated above by Blackdog and Toxic.

It seems that people are trying to judge this by who can run into a room and shoot each other in the head with more damage. That's not what a firefight is, as long as you can land more shots than the other person behind a police car or wherever you have cover, you will probably win no matter what gun you have.
We are like butterflies who flutter for a day and think it is forever.
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The government is balanced, because they can be killed at range by someone in a tall walled fort with holes.
The government is balanced, because they can be raided and the mayor killed by someone armed with a crowbar.
The government is balanced, because hobos with AK-47s should be capable of taking it down within three minutes.

No. Just no.
[Image: EglEnZU.gif]
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