Ban Request: Constantine
Can i ask in what state of mind your head is in since you are saying that i shoot you? i was just standing there wondering why you where there. Then you turned around and tazed me!! Video not related to the taze but the wallbanging
wallbanging at high level
i dont know if your ears work fine,but its clearly UMP shots at the start coupled with M4 silenced shots.and yeah you shot me with that ak-47 that your holding in the video,why dont you admit it?
Police officers cannot use anything besides an MP5,its just impossible.So your video still holds no evidence against me.
I reckon that HSS shooting with an M4 silenced ( clearly seen in the first video aswell with the M4 )
and a SS shooting with an UMP,this guy is the one with the white suit in the first video and can be clearly seen too.
You tazed me when i was outside and had just entered the server!
What ?are you frikking kidding me?You shot me then went to the garage,i was waiting for the search warrant and i saw you coming out with no guns,i tazed you and handcuffed you and told you to stay aside until the raid is done.
HAHAHA i didn't walk in the garage before i was hancuffed by you! you are just klying to save your ass from getting banned
Well do you have evidence? How I remember it is that we got raided, you showed up and you tazed and cuffed both me and ImaPrice, the only one that wasn't cuffed was Patt, who luckily had hostageropes to get us out seeing as you didn't really have any reason behind tazing and cuffing us both. Thats when the war broke out.
Also while breaking fear rp ( i had you at gun point ) the guys inside the garage opened the door and you got in while handcuffed,then your friend took a rope out and released you( thats why you were in the garage in the video )
also you both broke fear rp,i had you at gunpoint and you ran back to the garage when your friend opened the door and releasedd you thus breaking fear rp.
because you had no reason in the first place to have me and ImaPrice at gun point. You where at the time holding a tazer as well, not a gun. Not that it really matters, but if you are telling me I broke Fear RP, then what did you do? Randomly coming over to our base, demanding to get inside and getting a random warrant to raid us? really? Get out of town. I'm not going to stand ideally by when someone breaks rules to screw other people over. Not that it makes it right to break fear rp in any fashion. I see that I broke Fear RP in that way, but you did as well by randomly raiding our base.
At the time as well we first asked you for your reasoning behind going after us. And you didn't answer. You didn't discuss it at all, you just wen't with it. A sign of not having a legit reason behind your actions.
randomly? maybe for you,not for me,i love how every person that gets raided says its random,also you have no excuse to break fear rp think of real life,if people could run away at gunpoint with handcuffs and get their friends to unhandcuff them because " they think it was random " ,no excuse to break fear rp ,we had many reasons,imaprice shooting me and getting inside the garage,contraband heard thats why i was standing outside for some minutes,also fear rp applies to tazers too but ofcourse minges dont know that
I already stated that it was wrong of me to do so, but saying "i love how every person that gets raided says its random" is no evidence, nor a reason for you to deny that it was random. ImaPrice did not shoot at you before we where tazer'd, handcuffed and released by our friend. And the sound the Contraband makes is so brief outside of the garage that only a person with sound on max could hear it at all. (Thats when standing right next to the garage door). So denying that you where after us is out of the question because you can not hear the sound when just randomly walking down the streets.

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