Requesting Removal of Invalid Bans
Quote:2449 | "Propclimbing" | Andreas
When this ban was made, I was doing Czech Rebel RP, and in the forested areas near the bar[which we owned] we had set up are well known Czech Rebel encampments, that included a deer-stand in a tree. All though I do not have a picture of the deer stand on hand, I do have a dupe of it which can be examined by the admins on v2d! The dupe's name is "treepost" and it's simply a sign with a cs_militia ladder running up to it. It was connected to trees to allow our guys to act like hunters with tranq rifles in the case we had anyone trying to act aggressive to us. 
In order to prove that I'm not lieing about the Czech Rebel Encampments, please feel free to look at this picture: Czech Rebel Encampment
Quote:5179 | "Modifying car and public building" | Shadow
At the time of this ban, I was roleplaying with my group the Czechnyen Rebels, and we were studying new methods of raiding the infamous doomforts of the day. Considering our groups lore and background of being more-or-less a resistance group that uses whatever is can salvage in the woods and junkyards of Evocity. 
As you can imagine with this type of lore, we tend to restrain ourselves to basic weapons, basic vehicles, and basic housing(as seen with the Czech Encampment!). So in the interest of finding something that would fit our lore and would seem fitting for our roleplay, we decided to test the construction of wooden siege towers that were on wheels, and could be maneuvered and pushed to a doomforts wall, so that we can do a bit of Siege Warfare RP.
All of this construction and testing was done within our home-base of the bar area, and at the time we were not bothering anyone around us, and just testing out the concept of these siege towers on test walls. While we were doing this though, Shadow came into the area and saw the tests of us pushing the siege towers with our trabants, which could be very much seen at the moment in time as being an attempt to modify a vehicle. Even though we had a discussion with Shadow to explain the idea, it was deemed against the rules and the builder[myself] was banned for what I believe was 12 hours. 
I never fully understood the reason for the ban, as we had never even deployed this siege tower propelled by a trabant. We kept it within our own base area, and were simply testing it's functions and capabilities. Considering it's not really public building to build within your own home, and the fact we never deployed this siege tower, I was wondering if this ban could be removed as it seems sorta out there.
Quote:5725 | "Yell raid next time k? thanks" | Toby
The rule had been removed for about a week when this ban occurred, and I was unable to post an unban appeal as it was below the one day limit. 
Quote:5772 | "Swearing in OOC" | Toby
From the start, this ban was considered a ban up for debate, as I wasn't attacking or insulting any players, but rather telling them that if you don't want people attacking you, that you shouldn't act like a cu*t.  Link to my unban thread for proof of this. It just seems awkward that this was even a ban in the first place, I mean heck... If telling someone that being a warmonger is bound to get another warmonger after you is a bad thing, I'm confused.
Quote:6977 | "(ban lifted before expired) Ban req approved" | PrivateToast << 1st Ban [Removed to Get Evidence] >>

7044 | "Ban request" | Blackdog << 2nd Ban [Ban Reinstated after Evidence Gathered] >>

10679 | "propclimbing" | MikeyTheFox << 3rd Ban [Banned for same thing as 1st Ban] >>

So this is a rather entertaining story, but in order to get the full grasp of everything, I would like to advise everyone to goto this thread, and read the entire story. 
Alright so you did that? So lets get cracking on what happened, and how it happened. This all started off with the construction of my Hobo Tower. I had started building it, and while I was building it, two users decided to use it to climb up onto the nearby roof, and refused to come down when I asked them to do so. I kept on building in order to finish the tower off so that no more people would climb up onto the roof, and even though I did, I was still banned for two other players actions. 

After this ban occurred, I requested the ability to go onto the server, and take photos of the completed dupe in order to prove that I had in truth completed it, and I never intended on anyone climbing onto the roof. Blackdog granted me the right to do this, and I went on to take pictures of my hobo tower, and once I was done, I asked him to reban me for the time being. After posting evidence on the thread, it was found that the bans were invalid, and should of been removed. This was never done though, and I had waited on both bans. 

For some reason, these two bans were still counted on my ban record, even though within the thread I posted earlier in this report, it can be seen that I was suppose to be unbanned. 

Now onto the third ban! What was this ban for you might ask? Same bloody thing. I was adding another part to the hobo tower in order to widen the top floor's patio, and a user decided to climb onto the nearby roof. I was once again banned, and was never able to give any sort of contest to this ban due to the unban rules at the time preventing me from doing so. 

So yeah... Fun-fun fun.

Quote:10978 | "12 priors, FailRP, random raiding, ignoring admins" | Killjoy

12676 | "Random raid, Fail RP, Public building, 13 prior bans. Multiple accounts" | Zzzzap

I can argue and debate about this ban for years, but to sum it up in some easy bullets...

1.) The whole story of this ban, is that I was using my hobotower for Projekt RP, the government attempted to come down on it thanks to some drug dealers in the area, they killed some innocent people, we pelted them with glass bottles and boots, and a massive standoff happened. This situation ended with my group of hobos being armed with AK-47's, we proceeded to the main intersection of v2d, and aimed into the sky, and fired our guns off as a show of force. We never raided, never did any illegal public builds, never fail rp'ed, and were never involved in any raids.  The raid that did happen was a Corleone Raid, and I never had any communication with ANY of the Corleones. 

2.) Killjoy himself removed my ban on all charges. The ban was found to be somewhat shotty, and any case of "multiple accounting" was found to be sorta lackluster considering all KJ had to do in order to find out about my double accounts was to simply ask me directly, I gave him all said accounts, and told him at the time that the current IP Tracking system used by Fearless was broken. 

Quote:Thursday, February 07, 2013

4:28 AM - [FL] Killjoy: joey, you wouldnt be using an alt account to go on FL, would ya?
4:29 AM - Joey Skylynx: I've got like six which I've got for testing purposes
4:29 AM - Joey Skylynx: Why whats up
4:29 AM - Joey Skylynx: Strange thing really though
4:29 AM - Joey Skylynx: I'd figure Salinsky would of put out the note of my existence
4:30 AM - Joey Skylynx: Like the 1st time he banned me he noted my voice cause I told him he was a vagina straight to his face
4:30 AM - Joey Skylynx: And even he was like 'your joey skylynx'
4:31 AM - [FL] Killjoy: how cute lol
4:31 AM - [FL] Killjoy: youre rather cheeky at times, you know tat?
4:31 AM - [FL] Killjoy: that*
4:31 AM - Joey Skylynx: I'm a bastard what can I say
4:31 AM - Joey Skylynx: By the way, let Temar know the IP system has been borgia'd for some time
4:32 AM - [FL] Killjoy: yeah we know about it

3.) Both bans should simply be one ban considering that's what it is... I was banned for one thing.

So yeah, I was hoping to see if I can get some of these bans removed considering that quiet a few of them were deemed bad bans sometime ago. I'd just like to get some things cleared off my record considering a pretty big misconception exists that I have some massive list of bans even though in reality, at best I have three to five. I am not asking for my perma to be removed, but I'd like to see some closure to a few of the unban requests I have made in the past that seemed to be lost in the archives. 
[Image: EglEnZU.gif]

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Requesting Removal of Invalid Bans - by Joey Skylynx - 01-09-2015, 10:18 PM

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