Ban reduction request
Your name: ShitForFood

Your ban ID: 21599

Banned by: 'Console', Doomdude

Reason: Homophobia, disconnecting to avoid moderator

Involved: ShitForFood, PissForLube, Hamstertractor, Constantine and Doomdude

Why we should unban you:
PissForLube and myself have been playing on this server for quite some time, for well over 20 hours in fact. We have also had several encounters with administrators/moderators from the very first few hours of playing on the server. Over the course of several bans, we now, more than suffieciently, know the rules of this server. Usually we always go to the same place, "Izzie's Palace", which recently has occupied more often than not by players before us. We have since ventured to new places, Burger King amongst others, and our latest place of residence being one of the buildings in the industrial section.

We've been rough patch recently, in-game wise. So we decided to invite our mutual friend, Hamstertractor, to make it a bit more fun while we set up again, this time a little more remote. So we would less likely be disturbed while we show him the ropes, since he is completely new. Upon spawning, our friend wanted to be a doctor. PissForLube and I were already spawned as unemployed and were asking him where he was. He then informed us he was at the hospital. We figured we would go with it until we had found a place to stay.

After a little bit of orientation we found the factory building and started building. I have been noticing a few people following us around, mainly little kids telling me I was canadian and kept ramming us and screaming obscenities through their mics and generally prohibiting our gameplay. Vaguely I also noticed a police officer driving around, not directly following us, but still enough to be around whenever we stopped to check on various buildings. When we got all the doors bought PissForLube started building, since he is our specialist, while Hamstertractor and I started placing contraband. At this time I noticed he was still doctor and told him to change professions, since you can't base as a specific profession. He informed me he would change profession once he had finished his shelves. I saw no need to rush it since admins probably would have a certain tolerance or understanding for how unnecessary and impractical it would be to actually cancel a build to respawn back into the city as unemployed only to have either me or PissForLube abort our current progress just to drive back and fetch him, let alone the time lost of him walking all the way back.

Upon finishing our builds, PissForLube and I went to do other errands, and had asked Hamstertractor to lock up and change professions when he was done. Shortly after he alerted us that a police officer had entered our building, admitting he had failed to lock some of the doors. PissForLube and I rushed back. sadly we were too late, he had already smashed our contraband. Pissed off, I took out a gun, an MP5 specifically, and opened fire at him. To my surprize he had an MP5 as well and I lost the firefight. PissForLube only had a knife but managed to stab and kill the already wounded officer. At the moment of my respawn I started stocking up on ammo, or at least looking for someone to supply me. This, combined with the long walk, made sure I didn't break the "New Life Rule". Upon my return I saw a police officer lurking in the distance with an MP5 right before I locked myself in. Hamstertractor informed me that there was a search warrant on him. We take some consolation in the fact that he did not own any of the doors, but still we acknowledged we might be victims of random warranting. Desperate we block one of the doors with a prop.

We are all really stressed out and tense, forgetting the fact that Hamstertractor still hadn't changed profession. But building any defence has little effect when we suddenly realize that a police officer is already in the building. As a reflex I quickly look up to my right to confirm my suspicion that I have in fact been random warranted. The officer then proceeds to shoot some of the contraband and wantingly shot Hamstertractor without any reason. While he was spraying about he also called us out on the rules we broke. Suddenly a moderator appears. Full of joy I run towards him telling him to "ban this rule breaking ***". Blinded by rage I overlooked what I called Constantine, the officer. The moderator then proceeded to call me out on this "homophobia" and how much of a zero tolerence this is. The three of us then proceeded with stating why we were innocent, or at the very least deserved to be let off with a warning. Unprofessionally, the moderator did not use a microphone. This was especially annoying because he could not keep up with everything thrown at him and it was an easy decision to just say it "the way he saw it", considering that he seemed to intentionally completely ignore any assessments we made about Constantine the officer, insisting that we broke the rules I priorly stated we had no time to rectify due to this double interruption. This reinfroced our suspicion that the two of them were friends. When confronted with this the moderator simply said to "watch our attitude". He then proceeded to ban PissForLube.

The reason I think Constantine is the same officer that was there earlier is the fact that he had the same gun and he came around to the exact same place at a later time as well as talking about the same things. All these things leads us to believe it was the same guy. Having an MP5 as a police officer is by my logic FailRP in the sense that real life regular police officers don't carry automatic weapons unless there's an emergency like an armed robbery or generally a larger group of armed people shooting everywhere. The fact that an MP5 is an unusual gun to have as a player in general, seeing two police officers with the same gun, at the same place and with the same intentions, only at slightly different times points towards that they're the same person.

As to the "homophobia" apparently being a valid reason for this long ban, out of rage for having spent so much in-game currency on this contraband we needed to thicken our reserve a bit, I did call him the "F-word" on a single occasion. This has nothing to do with me even suspecting his sexuality to be of a homosexual nature, nor does it in any way imply that I have anything against homosexuality. This is, in fact, yet another case of "let me tell you how I see it", but with server-commands rather than words. It is also quite trigger-happy searching for a reason to get us banned which, yet again, would lead us to believe that the admin in question and the rule-breaking officer Constantine (who is actually responsible for most of the damage in this sensitive scenario) are friends. This may not be true, and we pray for the case of play-time justice in a lot of other situations with other players that it isn't, but we did not do anything to incur such a wrath, nor implied that we felt negative feelings of any nature for homosexual individuals. Even if that would have been the case, unstated as it was and still remains, neither PissForLube, nor Hamstertractor, nor myself implied that we thought of Constantine in such a way. Lastly I would like to assess in this regard that we were very angry with the situation; we had wasted a lot of in-game currency on this and had nothing to show for it but some jail-time for defending ourselves against a law-violating cop and a collective several-days (heavily overdue) ban. This is the kind of injustice I think no player should want to see on FearlessRP.

As for the prop block. PissForLube was in the process of building a form of security measure on the second door. When he had placed the prop he retreated and spawned another prop away from the contrabands so that he would not knock them all over, but before he could correctly place the first one, or even spawn the next one Constantine was already in.

Disconnecting to avoid moderator. Really? The moderator froze me, I could not move. In fact I had not moved for several minutes, seeing it being redundant as I was frozen. Since I had not moved for several minutes I was of course autokicked for being AFK. I find it astonishing, almost comical, in a way, that administrators then choose not to check their precious "logs" to see that. Excuse me for thinking, largely because of this, that server-logs are only consulted to the advantage of the administrator or to reinforce his opinion (while often right, it's not infinitely condemning). Pissed off for that again, I only assumed I was kicked by the moderator, and since all my friends were banned I saw no reason to get back online. By the time I joined I would likely have already been banned anyway.

Seeing as we actually broke a few rules, I can understand why I was banned. However, since the rules were so minor I would find it right to only give a warning, and Constantine also broke at least one rule as well. I acknowledge that circumstances were frantic and I forgive the hasty decision to ban all of us and not even analyzing the whole situation. I feel that regardless of what happened based on the rules we broke we have been suffieciently punished, and I humbly ask for a considerable reduction to all of our bans. I hope you'd find it in your hearts to unban us some time this afternoon.

Messages In This Thread
Ban reduction request - by Erythrolux - 01-13-2013, 01:35 PM
RE: Ban reduction request - by Tribal - 01-13-2013, 02:10 PM
RE: Ban reduction request - by DoomDude1 - 01-13-2013, 03:22 PM
RE: Ban reduction request - by Tribal - 01-13-2013, 04:22 PM
RE: Ban reduction request - by Hamstertractor - 01-13-2013, 04:06 PM
RE: Ban reduction request - by Erythrolux - 01-13-2013, 06:03 PM
RE: Ban reduction request - by Tribal - 01-13-2013, 06:07 PM
RE: Ban reduction request - by Termin - 01-15-2013, 09:15 AM

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