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Ban reduction request - Printable Version

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Ban reduction request - Erythrolux - 01-13-2013

Your name: ShitForFood

Your ban ID: 21599

Banned by: 'Console', Doomdude

Reason: Homophobia, disconnecting to avoid moderator

Involved: ShitForFood, PissForLube, Hamstertractor, Constantine and Doomdude

Why we should unban you:
PissForLube and myself have been playing on this server for quite some time, for well over 20 hours in fact. We have also had several encounters with administrators/moderators from the very first few hours of playing on the server. Over the course of several bans, we now, more than suffieciently, know the rules of this server. Usually we always go to the same place, "Izzie's Palace", which recently has occupied more often than not by players before us. We have since ventured to new places, Burger King amongst others, and our latest place of residence being one of the buildings in the industrial section.

We've been rough patch recently, in-game wise. So we decided to invite our mutual friend, Hamstertractor, to make it a bit more fun while we set up again, this time a little more remote. So we would less likely be disturbed while we show him the ropes, since he is completely new. Upon spawning, our friend wanted to be a doctor. PissForLube and I were already spawned as unemployed and were asking him where he was. He then informed us he was at the hospital. We figured we would go with it until we had found a place to stay.

After a little bit of orientation we found the factory building and started building. I have been noticing a few people following us around, mainly little kids telling me I was canadian and kept ramming us and screaming obscenities through their mics and generally prohibiting our gameplay. Vaguely I also noticed a police officer driving around, not directly following us, but still enough to be around whenever we stopped to check on various buildings. When we got all the doors bought PissForLube started building, since he is our specialist, while Hamstertractor and I started placing contraband. At this time I noticed he was still doctor and told him to change professions, since you can't base as a specific profession. He informed me he would change profession once he had finished his shelves. I saw no need to rush it since admins probably would have a certain tolerance or understanding for how unnecessary and impractical it would be to actually cancel a build to respawn back into the city as unemployed only to have either me or PissForLube abort our current progress just to drive back and fetch him, let alone the time lost of him walking all the way back.

Upon finishing our builds, PissForLube and I went to do other errands, and had asked Hamstertractor to lock up and change professions when he was done. Shortly after he alerted us that a police officer had entered our building, admitting he had failed to lock some of the doors. PissForLube and I rushed back. sadly we were too late, he had already smashed our contraband. Pissed off, I took out a gun, an MP5 specifically, and opened fire at him. To my surprize he had an MP5 as well and I lost the firefight. PissForLube only had a knife but managed to stab and kill the already wounded officer. At the moment of my respawn I started stocking up on ammo, or at least looking for someone to supply me. This, combined with the long walk, made sure I didn't break the "New Life Rule". Upon my return I saw a police officer lurking in the distance with an MP5 right before I locked myself in. Hamstertractor informed me that there was a search warrant on him. We take some consolation in the fact that he did not own any of the doors, but still we acknowledged we might be victims of random warranting. Desperate we block one of the doors with a prop.

We are all really stressed out and tense, forgetting the fact that Hamstertractor still hadn't changed profession. But building any defence has little effect when we suddenly realize that a police officer is already in the building. As a reflex I quickly look up to my right to confirm my suspicion that I have in fact been random warranted. The officer then proceeds to shoot some of the contraband and wantingly shot Hamstertractor without any reason. While he was spraying about he also called us out on the rules we broke. Suddenly a moderator appears. Full of joy I run towards him telling him to "ban this rule breaking ***". Blinded by rage I overlooked what I called Constantine, the officer. The moderator then proceeded to call me out on this "homophobia" and how much of a zero tolerence this is. The three of us then proceeded with stating why we were innocent, or at the very least deserved to be let off with a warning. Unprofessionally, the moderator did not use a microphone. This was especially annoying because he could not keep up with everything thrown at him and it was an easy decision to just say it "the way he saw it", considering that he seemed to intentionally completely ignore any assessments we made about Constantine the officer, insisting that we broke the rules I priorly stated we had no time to rectify due to this double interruption. This reinfroced our suspicion that the two of them were friends. When confronted with this the moderator simply said to "watch our attitude". He then proceeded to ban PissForLube.

The reason I think Constantine is the same officer that was there earlier is the fact that he had the same gun and he came around to the exact same place at a later time as well as talking about the same things. All these things leads us to believe it was the same guy. Having an MP5 as a police officer is by my logic FailRP in the sense that real life regular police officers don't carry automatic weapons unless there's an emergency like an armed robbery or generally a larger group of armed people shooting everywhere. The fact that an MP5 is an unusual gun to have as a player in general, seeing two police officers with the same gun, at the same place and with the same intentions, only at slightly different times points towards that they're the same person.

As to the "homophobia" apparently being a valid reason for this long ban, out of rage for having spent so much in-game currency on this contraband we needed to thicken our reserve a bit, I did call him the "F-word" on a single occasion. This has nothing to do with me even suspecting his sexuality to be of a homosexual nature, nor does it in any way imply that I have anything against homosexuality. This is, in fact, yet another case of "let me tell you how I see it", but with server-commands rather than words. It is also quite trigger-happy searching for a reason to get us banned which, yet again, would lead us to believe that the admin in question and the rule-breaking officer Constantine (who is actually responsible for most of the damage in this sensitive scenario) are friends. This may not be true, and we pray for the case of play-time justice in a lot of other situations with other players that it isn't, but we did not do anything to incur such a wrath, nor implied that we felt negative feelings of any nature for homosexual individuals. Even if that would have been the case, unstated as it was and still remains, neither PissForLube, nor Hamstertractor, nor myself implied that we thought of Constantine in such a way. Lastly I would like to assess in this regard that we were very angry with the situation; we had wasted a lot of in-game currency on this and had nothing to show for it but some jail-time for defending ourselves against a law-violating cop and a collective several-days (heavily overdue) ban. This is the kind of injustice I think no player should want to see on FearlessRP.

As for the prop block. PissForLube was in the process of building a form of security measure on the second door. When he had placed the prop he retreated and spawned another prop away from the contrabands so that he would not knock them all over, but before he could correctly place the first one, or even spawn the next one Constantine was already in.

Disconnecting to avoid moderator. Really? The moderator froze me, I could not move. In fact I had not moved for several minutes, seeing it being redundant as I was frozen. Since I had not moved for several minutes I was of course autokicked for being AFK. I find it astonishing, almost comical, in a way, that administrators then choose not to check their precious "logs" to see that. Excuse me for thinking, largely because of this, that server-logs are only consulted to the advantage of the administrator or to reinforce his opinion (while often right, it's not infinitely condemning). Pissed off for that again, I only assumed I was kicked by the moderator, and since all my friends were banned I saw no reason to get back online. By the time I joined I would likely have already been banned anyway.

Seeing as we actually broke a few rules, I can understand why I was banned. However, since the rules were so minor I would find it right to only give a warning, and Constantine also broke at least one rule as well. I acknowledge that circumstances were frantic and I forgive the hasty decision to ban all of us and not even analyzing the whole situation. I feel that regardless of what happened based on the rules we broke we have been suffieciently punished, and I humbly ask for a considerable reduction to all of our bans. I hope you'd find it in your hearts to unban us some time this afternoon.

RE: Ban reduction request - Tribal - 01-13-2013

(01-13-2013, 01:35 PM)ShitForFood Wrote: This is PissForLube in FearlessRP.

Seeing as we actually broke a few rules, I can understand why I was banned. However, since the rules were so minor I would find it right to only give a warning, and Constantine also broke at least one rule as well. I acknowledge that circumstances were frantic and I forgive the hasty decision to ban all of us and not even analyzing the whole situation. I feel that regardless of what happened based on the rules we broke we have been suffieciently punished, and I humbly ask for a considerable reduction to all of our bans. I hope you'd find it in your hearts to unban us some time this afternoon.

I second this motion wholeheartedly and also humbly vie for a reduction in our bans. My ban was even extended for unknown reasons by an unknown party. I find this just about as dodgy and unjust as the actions of the honestly quite wanton police officer in question. I realize I have made some mistakes in this, but they lay somewhat unsubstantial against the loss of in-game currency, time, damage and unwanted presences of "random-warrenting" police officers who come by and exercize authority they are not at rightful liberty to extend.

I believe we are valuable players to the community. The very same day, we have run a very succesful BurgerKing business as two cooks (both ShitForFood and myself; Hamstertractor was not yet playing with us at that time), despite being raided several times. I would, of course, on behalf of both ShitForFood and Hamstertractor, as well as myself wish to extend a serious, sincere apology when it comes to breaking the rules we might have indeed done. We stand for proper-role playing values and the preservation of a good and decent FearlessRP world. This is why we enjoy playing in it, too. Not, however, during situations akin to the one well-described above, here, by ShitForFood. Being raided by a police officer who magically retains his memories from a previous life who came near our place, snuck around to see if it was safe enough for him to trespass, saw that we were unarmed, broke in, speechlessly equipped a weapon quite uncharacteristic for a man of his job-description, then proceeded to shoot all of our barely afforded contraband as well as damaging Hamstertractor intentionally, followed by him calling for an administrator after a single, justified insult was our only possible retort, which occurred, only to somehow get us banned for unusually long and not getting our story listened to, in my opinion constitutes a definite odd-one-out.

Do excuse the long ramble, but that summarizes the situation yet again. I hope this will finally suffice to give you an insight in what really happened, because the administrator who answered Constantine's call appeared not sufficiently adept to,(with all due respect) properly assess, let alone listen to and acknowledge the stories of both parties. As for us, ShitForFood and Hamstertractor and I promise we will do our utmost to ensure such odd-ones-out no longer occur, so long as other players (especially the police) and the staff comply with the rules they themselves not only manufactured, but are duty-bound to adhere to. Yet again, I know this sounds quite harsh, but 'the way I see it', it is not an unjustly formulated response to what happened. We are sincerely sorry for any damage of literally any nature that we may have caused, and hereby place our request.

Thank you for reading
A concerend citizen

RE: Ban reduction request - DoomDude1 - 01-13-2013

Lovely, let's get started here.

First off, Constantine is neither my friend, nor has he ever been. I was called by him via the request chat, and I have answered.

Now, let's break your walls of text down and analyse them, shall we? I have copied a few sentences which I found in need of clarification:

PissForLube and myself have been playing on this server for quite some time, for well over 20 hours in fact.

That's really not a notable amount of time.

Unprofessionally, the moderator did not use a microphone.

How did you even come up with this? Well, for one, I do not have to use the microphone in communicating, neither is it a must in dealing with cases. Also, it gives my physical evidence to my words, while your chat is purely in voice.

As to the "homophobia" apparently being a valid reason for this long ban, out of rage for having spent so much in-game currency on this contraband we needed to thicken our reserve a bit, I did call him the "F-word" on a single occasion.

Your first offence was when I have first arrived. Later on, while I was banning your friend Pissforlube, you proceeded on being homophobic again as has your friend Hamstertractor.

Since I had not moved for several minutes I was of course autokicked for being AFK. I find it astonishing, almost comical, in a way, that administrators then choose not to check their precious "logs" to see that.

You were being autokicked? No, you chose to disconnect after I have banned Pissforlube, you even mumbled out his ban reason.

I forgive the hasty decision to ban all of us and not even analyzing the whole situation.

I do thank you for your forgiveness. In case you didn't understand, that was sarcasm. I have spent plenty of time listening to your explanations and assessing the situation.

We stand for proper-role playing values and the preservation of a good and decent FearlessRP world.

I beg to differ, since I know proper FL role-players, and let me tell you, you are not among them/

staff comply with the rules they themselves not only manufactured, but are duty-bound to adhere to.

If you feel I have broken the rules or abused my powers, make an moderator abuse thread. Although, I must admit, I fail to see where this is coming from.

Now, let's address the other issues.

-Police officers are ONLY allowed to equip MP5s as a secondary weapon. It is not failRP.

-I have checked the logs about Constantine's death, he hadn't died in the previous 10-15 minutes.

-You only stopped shouting "NLR" after I have told you that the logs show he hadn't died, yet you bring it up here.

-You propblocked, plain and simple. PissforLube even stated "That he had read all of the rules and that he knows them", thus this was an intentional rule broken.

-Your friend was a doctor, basing with you. You also had a LOT of contraband. Don't try to sell the story he did not have enough time to press 1 button and switch jobs.

-You friend Pissforlube was disrespectful.

I have asked for a extension of your bans as I did see you ignore the rules, which you claim to know, and generally try to attack my professionalism and Constantine, rather that following the rules and explaining yourselves. I would also review your attitude, as it was not fit of a "Proper RP player" (which you claim to be)

I do not see a reason for an unban, and am against it.

I also forgot to mention, you claim to have seen many rules broken, yet you haven't used @ once. Are you sure you've read the rules?

RE: Ban reduction request - Hamstertractor - 01-13-2013

Honestly, I was new to the mod and I had no idea that I wasn't allowed to be a doctor and have contraband. Doctors /can/ do drugs too, right? They mentioned this to me when the cop came in (That I couldn't be a doctor and have contraband at the same time), but I didnt know how to change my profession, neither would I have done that when a renegade cop comes in and shoots wildly at our stuff. As for the profanities, yes, we yelled profanities, but who wouldn't? At the time we truly meant that Constantine had broken the rules. He did in my opinion do that, he walked in the door and started shooting my contraband without any warning. As in I was minding my own business and this Officer just comes out of nowhere and shoots my stuff. When I asked what he was doing and asked if he had a warrant, well, just then he started asking for a warrant, AFTER he shot all of my contraband. (Even if he got a warrant for me the house was owned by Pissforlube, so he had nothing to do there either way). I got angry, as anyone would. That's my side of the story.

And as for the 20 hours is not a notable amount of time, try getting a job, and you'll realize that the time we spent there was notable indeed.

RE: Ban reduction request - Tribal - 01-13-2013

Lovely, let's get started here.

Let us indeed. I hope we can at least resolve this in a mature fashion.

First off, Constantine is neither my friend, nor has he ever been. I was called by him via the request chat, and I have answered.

We never indicated that he was your friend, we merely stated that your actions strongly made it seem like that since you were siding with him, being actively unwilling to listen to our side of the story.

Now, let's break your walls of text down and analyse them, shall we? I have copied a few sentences which I found in need of clarification:

It does indeed seem like we were a bit unclear because you don't seem to really understand most of it. Allow me to re-clarify.

PissForLube and myself have been playing on this server for quite some time, for well over 20 hours in fact.

That's really not a notable amount of time.

It is when you consider that some people have jobs, school or other occupations of our time that prohibit us from playing 24/7.

[i]Unprofessionally, the moderator did not use a microphone.

How did you even come up with this?

I guess, for one, by means of the fact that it's simply the case.

Well, for one, I do not have to use the microphone in communicating, neither is it a must in dealing with cases.

This is true, but it is highly recommended. We were talking through each-other and communication was disorderly; comprehensions were not made as they should have been and we were not as able to listen to each other as we would have been if you would have had a microphone. Even a novice could have realized that the situation went haywire to a large extent because of this.

Also, it gives my physical evidence to my words, while your chat is purely in voice.

That's true as well, but why would there be any need to there being written evidence of your words when you're simply going to gloss over our part in this and ban us simply because you were summoned by the wrong person and instantly adhered to his request? E.g.: "This person summons me, the person near him must be doing something wrong." We regret to have been in a position where you seemed to fail to be able to tear yourself away from this principal. As such, this is not a personal jab at you, it would have simply been much more efficient if you had a microphone.

As to the "homophobia" apparently being a valid reason for this long ban, out of rage for having spent so much in-game currency on this contraband we needed to thicken our reserve a bit, I did call him the "F-word" on a single occasion.

Your first offence was when I have first arrived. Later on, while I was banning your friend Pissforlube, you proceeded on being homophobic again as has your friend Hamstertractor.

Perhaps you did not read my post. I believe I aptly explained we did not express any homophobic tendencies. Just in case you did but futher appear to not fully comprehend, I shall elaborate.
7. [The definition applying] (pejorative, vulgar, US, colloquial) An annoying or inconsiderate person.

Furthermore, I understand the link with homosexual males, but not the fear or hatred thereof which you imply we expressed. Especially not to the extent that it should be valid testament for a ban during a one-time statement from my personal end, and a few uses of those others involved, who, yet again, had to contend with the illegal, money- and time-depriving idiocy that enraged us so while we were merely trying to have nice, clean, creative fun.

[i]Since I had not moved for several minutes I was of course autokicked for being AFK. I find it astonishing, almost comical, in a way, that administrators then choose not to check their precious "logs" to see that.

You were being autokicked? No, you chose to disconnect after I have banned Pissforlube, you even mumbled out his ban reason.

I find it quite amusing that you fail to consult your precious logs for this issue. Kindly provide the necessary information to back up your claims. ShitForFood was auto-kicked.

[i]I forgive the hasty decision to ban all of us and not even analyzing the whole situation.

I do thank you for your forgiveness. In case you didn't understand, that was sarcasm. I have spent plenty of time listening to your explanations and assessing the situation.

Wrong again, you spent time [i]hearing
, not listening. I also don't understand the rudeness when we're merely giving you the facts of what happened in a concerned, orderly manner. Then, I had to watch my attitude? I suppose I'm merely learning from the example given, then.

We stand for proper-role playing values and the preservation of a good and decent FearlessRP world.

I beg to differ, since I know proper FL role-players, and let me tell you, you are not among them/

I know several as well, and I know how to play it properly. This odd-one-out scenario that you refused to allow to be explained properly should not count at all to describe us since you have never seen us otherwise.

[i]staff comply with the rules they themselves not only manufactured, but are duty-bound to adhere to.

If you feel I have broken the rules or abused my powers, make an moderator abuse thread. Although, I must admit, I fail to see where this is coming from.

Then I'm afraid I must insist that you read through our posts again.

[i]Now, let's address the other issues.

-Police officers are ONLY allowed to equip MP5s as a secondary weapon. It is not failRP.

This was not the case, as we also clearly stated. He broke into our place, which you cleverly overlooked, wielding the weapon, pointing it at Hamstertractor, proceeded to shoot the contraband which caused me to hurry away from the prop I spawned and hastily froze - anywhere - , yes, near one of the four valid entrances to the building, as I was just to start building there but got interrupted by the police officer who then summoned you because we insulted him (albeit very little) as literally our ONLY rebuttal towards his actions. Seriously? Come on.

-I have checked the logs about Constantine's death, he hadn't died in the previous 10-15 minutes.

Which makes it very realistic that he, after that time, magically retains non-life-crucial information (so unlike a possible house or other place or residence, his friends and/or family) such as where he saw us placing contraband before, only to come back, break in, random-warrant us AFTER shooting our props, contraband and bodies.

-You only stopped shouting "NLR" after I have told you that the logs show he hadn't died, yet you bring it up here.


-You propblocked, plain and simple. PissforLube even stated "That he had read all of the rules and that he knows them", thus this was an intentional rule broken.

I indeed know the rules. You can't prop-block at all, and I realize that it was wrong. Now, tell me what your attention would most likely veer to when a random burglar who happens to be a policeman has an MP5 ready and fires at his leasure, only asking questions later? I've seen CDMs as a policeman but this is quite a lot more professional and heavier rule-breaking in total than what all of us have done, perhaps, together. Yet he walks free, perhaps to do more damage to the server. Injustice if I ever saw it.

-Your friend was a doctor, basing with you. You also had a LOT of contraband. Don't try to sell the story he did not have enough time to press 1 button and switch jobs.

We're not "selling you any story", we're simply telling you we just picked him up as he FINALLY installed the map and acquired all the files from the server, got picked up by us at his spawnpoint by car and hooked up in this place with him. When being raided instantly upon arrival, as we were telling him to change classes AS we were being raided (which, believe it or not, logic dictates becomes the primary topic all of a sudden!) by multiple cops with heavy weaponry. He simply did not have the time. If you choose to "use" your powers to disregard that fact, then we find that very regrettable.

-You friend Pissforlube was disrespectful.

I had a bad day and this situation made it quite a lot worse. I wasn't going to nicely tell the policeman with the powerful gun that I was going to do everything he wanted with my life after he shot all of our expensive contraband to hell. You wouldn't have either.

I have asked for a extension of your bans as I did see you ignore the rules, which you claim to know, and generally try to attack my professionalism and Constantine, rather that following the rules and explaining yourselves. I would also review your attitude, as it was not fit of a "Proper RP player" (which you claim to be)

I'm not even going to begin to respond to that one, that's just too ridiculous.

I do not see a reason for an unban, and am against it.

A yay for random-raiding as policemen and using:

- A random warrant on the users inside to justify the raiding
- Fortunately coming across the users' contraband inside to justify it to an administrator they call to really kick them when they're down
- Shock one of the people who left a prop frozen in suspense to try and fend off the policeman without using force

I might give that a try some time when it goes unpunished anyway.
After all, all I have to do is wait 10-15 minutes for my memory to return, right? I'm a magical policeman, yaaay!

I also forgot to mention, you claim to have seen many rules broken, yet you haven't used @ once. Are you sure you've read the rules?

Yes, I'm sure. Thanks for your concern.

RE: Ban reduction request - Erythrolux - 01-13-2013

I have to admit that I find it very unnecessary to be sarcastic towards us, and literally make fun of what we type down in these posts. I know we can't disrespect you, but you don't need to disrespect us. And to be honest we did not do any harm to the server at all compared to CDMers and RDMers and such. We are all trying to be objective and we apologize for breaking the rules we broke, but I really feel that these rule breakings would be suffieciently punished with a warning, or a kick, or even a 2-3 hour ban, rather than a full 5 day ban.

RE: Ban reduction request - Tribal - 01-13-2013

(01-13-2013, 06:03 PM)ShitForFood Wrote: I have to admit that I find it very unnecessary to be sarcastic towards us, and literally make fun of what we type down in these posts. I know we can't disrespect you, but you don't need to disrespect us. And to be honest we did not do any harm to the server at all compared to CDMers and RDMers and such. We are all trying to be objective and we apologize for breaking the rules we broke, but I really feel that these rule breakings would be suffieciently punished with a warning, or a kick, or even a 2-3 hour ban, rather than a full 5 day ban.

I agree, what started off from a hapless misunderstanding turned out in an unrightful ban and the inhibition of gameplay of honest, fun players. That's a weekend ruined in one way for three people right there. I guess we needed to be the first to call the admin, if that's what turns out is the make of justice around here. I'm sorry.

RE: Ban reduction request - Termin - 01-15-2013

Please don't use the language again. Your bans have been ended as an act of forgiveness from our side. Hopefully you have learned from the current ban time.

Unban request approved.