Unban / Shorten Ban Length Request
Do you really feel that a 30 day ban is a suitable punishment? Especially when I have no previous bans that are over a day and only 1 previous for cdm which was shortly after I joined the server. All I'm asking is that the ban be reduced, I have never had any bans over a day in length and I do not think that such a harsh punishment is necessary, as I also believe if it were any other admin, the ban length for everyone involved would not have been 30 days. I'm a donator,and I contribute to fearless in other ways, so why are you trying to rid the community of members that contribute towards its growth. Are you helping it or hurting it by dishing out unnecessarily lengthy bans? I know you swear by the strict "all rule breakers must die" path, intentional or not. But this is what makes people quit communities, which makes you lose donators, and members that contribute to growth of the community, etc. I'm not saying i'm going anywhere, but i'm asking you one more time to rethink if this type of ban length is really necessary, given the situation of what happened which is CDM and promoting agressiveRP. That doesnt sound like a 30 day ban to me. Especially to someone with no serious priors.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Unban / Shorten Ban Length Request - by Narc - 12-29-2012, 04:34 PM
RE: Unban / Shorten Ban Length Request - by GB CarNage - 12-31-2012, 04:07 PM

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