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Unban / Shorten Ban Length Request - Printable Version

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Unban / Shorten Ban Length Request - GB CarNage - 12-29-2012

Your name: CarNage

Your ban ID: 20415

Banned by: [FL] Ruxandra

Reason: Mass CDM, promoting AggresiveRP.

Involved: Myself, Overdex, Cownipples

Why we should unban you: The rebels were raided by the government, We had won the raid, the police then continued to come back, shooting at us and provoking us, they broke NLR countless times, and they knew they did due to the fact that I was screaming at them over voice chat the whole time telling them that I was recording, and that they would get banned if they didn't obey the NLR rules (empty threats, but I was hoping they would stand down).

Now as for promoting agressive RP, I hid from the police, and while they were attacking the main rebel base at the slums housing constantly, I ran and hid inside the slums apartments, attempting to avoid the violence and NLR breaking cops. It worked for awhile and then they started shooting at me again, once they saw me peeking my head out the door, checking how the other rebels were holding up. Note I did not have a weapon drawn, they just shot at me because I was in the general area of the situation. I was not trying to promote agressiveRP, i was hiding from it. All the while yelling at them over voice chat aswell as OOC to read the NLR rules, and stop breaking them.

As for the "Mass CDM" You have to realize that these "11" cdms (according to ruxandra) took place over the period of a whole day, and they were due to people standing in the road in tunnels, jaywalking, and running down the road while paying no attention to traffic. I was and am very careful driver, and I avoided most accidents, however sometimes it could not be prevented, and I know for a fact that atleast 5 of these cdm's were me, pulling over to the side of the road or gas station, and someone going full speed with a fast car and smashing into me, pushing my car into someone. Anyhow, all these CDM's were accidents, and I apologized profusely to the people I had "CDM'd" and they understood that it was an accident, nobody threatened to post ban requests, etc. Because I apologized and they knew it was an accident. Regardless I do realize that accident or not, cdm is a cdm, and I apologize for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. It was simply bad luck, I did not run into anyone intentionally, and I never do. Also I don't recall anyone ever getting banned for 30 days for CDM.

I explained all this to Ruxandra before she made her decision, and I do realize that she had to give me the same punishment as the others involved in the NLR Breaking police situation due to fairness, however I have explained my case, I tried extremely hard to get the NLR breakers to stop what they were doing as I explained the rules to them and they did not seem to care due to an admin or mod not being online so I then tried to avoid the situation as best I could. I have told the full truth, and I do believe that I do not deserve such a long ban. So please, I do not believe I deserve such a harsh punishment, I love the server, I love the community, and to be away from it with a whole month is not something i'd enjoy in the slightest. I have told the complete truth about what had happened, and now I hope that you can agree with me and my ban could be shortened considerably.

Thanks for your time.

RE: Unban / Shorten Ban Length Request - Narc - 12-29-2012

I come on pretty much every single day to see you all with big ass guns shooting out cops in the street.

RE: Unban / Shorten Ban Length Request - Ruxandra - 12-30-2012

Those CarDMs happened in a very short period and it consisted in 2-3 people killed at once. And no, you did not hide from the NLR breaking cops as you, alongside Cownipples and Overdex continued to kill them over and over again, just throwing some "Stop breaking nlr cops" over OOC once in a while.

The ban will stay and you have lied here once more, feel free to add aditional details before I close it.

RE: Unban / Shorten Ban Length Request - GB CarNage - 12-31-2012

Do you really feel that a 30 day ban is a suitable punishment? Especially when I have no previous bans that are over a day and only 1 previous for cdm which was shortly after I joined the server. All I'm asking is that the ban be reduced, I have never had any bans over a day in length and I do not think that such a harsh punishment is necessary, as I also believe if it were any other admin, the ban length for everyone involved would not have been 30 days. I'm a donator,and I contribute to fearless in other ways, so why are you trying to rid the community of members that contribute towards its growth. Are you helping it or hurting it by dishing out unnecessarily lengthy bans? I know you swear by the strict "all rule breakers must die" path, intentional or not. But this is what makes people quit communities, which makes you lose donators, and members that contribute to growth of the community, etc. I'm not saying i'm going anywhere, but i'm asking you one more time to rethink if this type of ban length is really necessary, given the situation of what happened which is CDM and promoting agressiveRP. That doesnt sound like a 30 day ban to me. Especially to someone with no serious priors.

RE: Unban / Shorten Ban Length Request - Ruxandra - 01-01-2013

I will not rethink it as I already decided that this punishment is more than fit. I personally don't care of your donation, it will not help you in any way regarding this case so don't even try to mention it. If you continue to have this behaviour on the server, you might aswell leave.
