[Basics] Starters Guide
Guide for total beginners

Table of Contents

1. Introduction
2. Rules
3. Admins
4. Roleplay in General
5. The different jobs
- 5.1 The President
- 5.2 The SS
- 5.3 The Police Force
- 5.4 Emergency Services
- 5.5 Public Services
- 5.6 The Salesmen
- 5.7 The Rebels
- 5.8 The Mafia/Corleones
- 5.9 Unemployed
6. Passive RP

1. Introduction

Hello and welcome to the Ultimate FL Guide. This Guide will teach you all you need to know about Fearless, the Community and the Roleplay. I'm writing this guide to help new people get into FL and clear up eventual misunderstandings.

As with everything I write, I appreciate constructive criticism and tips for improvement. Thanks, and have fun!

2. Rules

The most important thing in our servers are the official rules. Every server needs certain rules for people to follow. As of now, there are exactly 115 rules. While not all of these can obviously be remembered at once, reading through them occasionally helps.

The rules are found under this link http://www.fearlessrp.net/showthread.php?tid=11792 and they're also the first thing to appear when joining the server.

Many of these rules are common sense though, (i. e. No killing without a RP reason, don't use props for blocking or killing etc.) so they should be relatively easy to follow. And if there should be unclearness about whether you are allowed to do something or not, you can always ask an admin about this. Admins are discussed below.

If there are no admins on the server to maintain the "peace" on it, it is advised to get evidence of a rule-breaking player and post it in the Ban Request section of the forum. Pictures or videos will do, and even if you don't have anything, admins have exclusive access to the server logs, where the chat and many player actions like kills are stored.

3. Admins

Admins are the backbone of any community. Their primary role is to make sure all players play fair and follow the server rules. They are also in charge of forum matters, like going over (Un)Ban Requests.

Now, many players complain when an admin doesn't respond to their call for help immediately. Keep in mind that admins are only humans, and in many cases are currently busy with helping somebody else. Also, don't blame them if they want to roleplay for once.

How does one become admin? You don't apply for it and you can't bribe SoulRipper for it.

He made a thread about it here, but it's fairly simple.
1. Don't ask for it.
2. Be good.

If you believe an admin did abuse his position on purpose (this does NOT include bans), you can also fill out the forum under "Admin Abuse" in this forum.

4. Roleplay

Now for the main part: Roleplaying. The reason why this community exists.

First we need to define what Roleplay (RP) actually means.
RP is basically acting like another character. This includes defining your character like the physical appearance and the traits.

While roleplaying, you are not a hero. You can't hack into any security system, win a shootout against 6 people or casually walk away after somebody shot you in the leg. Forget anything you know from other games you've played, you're just a person.

While roleplaying, you act like you would in real life. When somebody points a gun at you, you are scared for your life. You do not pull out your own and just shoot with it. You don't take justice into your own hands when not needed, you call the police.

Salinsky has in his own guide a very detailed section of FearRP:

There are certain terms used on the server for both roleplay and in terms of rules. These are:

- IC: In Character (Inside of your own character, like communication between several players in RP terms)

- OOC: Out Of Character (Actions or chat between players in server terms, like when you see a noclipped admin flying around the server, he is OOC)

- NLR: New Life Rule (When you die, you IC forget everything of your previous character and respawn as a different person. Ignoring this to, for instance revenge kill, is against the rules. You may or may not, depending on the admin, ignore NLR if you got killed by a rulebreaker, or OOC)

- RDM: Random DeathMatch (Killing somebody without an IC reason)

- CDM: Car DeathMatch (Same as above, but using your vehicle as a weapon)

- Metagaming (Using OOC information IC, like when you ask people in OOC chat where your car is, and then use this information to get to it, that is metagaming)

Rock n' Roll Glue made a more detailed RP guide here:

Fearless made different jobs on the server you can play as. Maintain law and order as a policeman, sell food or weaponry to citizens or rebel against the government. You can also customize your own job and do something completely different. I'll go into detail now.

5. The different jobs
Every job has special abilities and restrictions. While rebels may raid the government for their reasons, a food vendor can not. This section of the guide covers all of the different jobs and their purpose.

For the sake of the length of this thread, I won't write an essay on each of the jobs, but include a link to a more detailed guide written by other members.

5.1 The President

The President is the head of the government. He creates the laws for citizens to follow and for policemen to enforce. These laws include things like speedlimits, legality of drugs and weapons and more. He may also define the taxes for people to pay, which go into his pocket at every payday.

He may order the Head of the Special Services and of the Police. However, he may NOT command people who aren't directly under him, like the officers and agents. Orders for them must be directed to the superiors of those. (Fallout NV, Chain That Binds anybody?)

When the President dies, he is demoted to an Unemployed upon the next respawn, so the position may be taken by somebody else. However, he dies rarely if he does his job in favor for the citizens. On the contrary, if he only snatches taxes and converts the city into a police state, he may as well invite the rebels into his office directly.

A detailed guide for the president, written by Holdem, is here:

5.2 The SS

The Special Services are heavily armed forces with the role of securing and protecting the Nexus and the President himself. They are the only ones who are allowed on the top floor (President's Office) without asking for permission.

Their equipment consists of keypad crackes, lockpicks, riot shields, heavy weaponry and everything the police has. This helps them in situations where the normal police can't do much, giving them a SWAT role in raids. They consist of three agents and a superior, the Head of SS, who takes orders from the president and gives them to the agent.

One thing worth mentioning is that they are not police. They don't patrol. They don't arrest people for stealing or trespassing.

Killjoy made a short, but excellent guide for the SS here.

5.3 The Police

When talking about a government and laws, there must be people to enforce these laws. The Police are lightly armed forces consisting of 6 Officers and their Commander. Their role is anything you'd imagine Real Life police does: Speed enforcement, city patrol etc.

Their primary weapon is their tazer to render dangerous or fleeing people unconscious, ready for interrogation or arrest. They also do have a light pistol, but it should only be used when necessary. Remember - their role is to protect people, not to kill them.

There are many, many guides for the police.

Killjoy made a basic guide here,
UTLonghorn12 made a more detailed guide here.

ForceGhost made many different guides for the police as well, which are all found in the Guides section of the forums. Check them out!

5.4 Emergency Services

Emergency Services are Firemen and Paramedics. They are Government Forces too, but they usually don't take orders from anyone. They have access to the government radio, but work otherwise independent. When they get a call from citizens (using /request), they rush to the location of emergency and do their work.

The jobs are pretty much self-explanatory. Paramedics treat injuries, firemen extinguish fires, which can break out at random places or by throwing molotovs.

Now, these jobs are one of the least RP'd ones. Not because you cannot RP properly, but for several reasons.

First one is, firemen are usually new players who choose this job for a huge free firetruck and an axe which can break doors down. Also, this job is relatively boring, because fires never break out, so these players usually "patrol" with their trucks, running over a few people in the process.

Paramedics on the other hand get a medikit to heal players with by just holding down the left mouse button. Both Medics and injured players don't RP this job properly, with the players wanting a quick heal and medics being mainly new players as well.

However, if you do feel like roleplaying as these services, Zzzzap made a nice guide for firemen here.

For paramedics, there is Aoixification's thread and Jeremy's thread.

5.5 Public Services

Public Services are people who work mainly with citizens.

These are the Nexus Desk Secretary, the Taxi Driver/Chauffeur and the Security Guard.

The Secretary's role is to sit in the Nexus (government building) and take requests from citizens to the government. These requests are mainly appointments with the President. Sometimes, he also has the job of building a security system to prevent raids and to force people to talk with the Secretary first. However, sometimes the SS makes this checkpoint instead.

I made a longer NDS guide here:

The Chauffeur's job is simple. Bring people from one place to another for money. He can either use his Taxi for it or buy a Bus. For driving a bus, however, you need 5 RP Points given by admins for excellent roleplay.

There isn't much to the Chauffeur though. A note worth mentioning is though that many new players choose him to get an instant taxi to drive over people with.

A few things you should consider while RPing is to drive properly and safely. You don't want to injure your passengers just because you are impatient.

I couldn't find a guide for this job, but here's a guide to drive properly by Visual: http://www.fearlessrp.net/showthread.php?tid=6130

The Security Guard is hired by shopkeepers or wealthy house owners to guard their property for money. If you want to roleplay him, get yourself a good handgun. Don't use bigger guns than handguns, a guard should never kill the customers of their employers, merely warn them to not try anything stupid.

Also, don't point your gun at anybody who comes in. Sit down somewhere, perhaps make yourself a small room for yourself where you can see the whole area (use RT cameras and RT screens for this). You are responsible for the security of your employer.

One last thing: You are not a hired gun. You secure property and don't assist in raids.

5.6 The Salesmen

The salesmen are vital for EvoCity's economy. These are the Gun Dealer, the Chef, the Doctor and the Black Market Dealer.

The procedure for all of them is simple. Buy yourself a shop in the city, decorate it, secure it a bit and then start advertising.

The only exception is the BMD, since he sells mostly illegal materials like drugs, crackers, lockpicks and so on. For him, you shouldn't place your store directly next to the Police HQ. Tell only people of your business when they are sure to need your services.

Kenny wrote a guide on how to start a business as well:

5.7 The Rebels

This group is one of the few ones which do illegal stuff. It consists of 5 members and a leader, who can set objectives for them and order them around.

In this case, the rebels dislike the government generally and it's laws.
They usually keep away from the city and for themselves. However, when the President does provoking actions against them, they know how to fight back.

This does not give them the liberty to raid the president every time they don't like him. Their first tries to rebel against it should be doing meetings with the president, protesting near the Nexus or disrupting the police, as in freeing citizens from jail or assisting people against raids or interrogations. Raiding the President himself should ALWAYS be their last resort.

However, many people RP the leader of them wrong. Many, many times the rebels either raid at the smallest provokation or do nothing at all but sit in their bases. Do not be one of those. If you happen to be a member and see an incompetent leader, try to overwhelm him with other members through RP. If the leader does not do this RP with you (which is likely), call an admin to demote him or post a Ban Request for FailRP.

The only "guide" I can give you here is by Tank, with The Proper Way to Raid the President.

5.8 The Mafia

Aah, the Corleones. The gentlemen under the criminals with fancy suits and hats. They are criminals like rebels, but that is the only thing these groups have in common. The Mafia's goal is to achieve luxury and money by any means.

Now, this doesn't mean that their job is to "farm" contraband, but gain territorial control over buildings and shops. What does that mean? Spread your influence with your fellow members by "asking" shop and house owners for money, or else "bad things" will happen. Give them warnings, destroy their property and so on.

To sum it up, you're offering protection for money. Protection from your people. Pay up, or you'll sleep with the fishes.

This is the most common idea to RP this job, but there are many ways to do this. For instance, I had the idea once to run a corrupt casino as the Don Corleone while using this very casino to set up contraband. That way, the casino was a disguise for our illegal doings and nobody suspects anything.

The Government may choose to provoke you by banning you from the city or having police keep an eye on you. This is NOT a good reason to raid. Either let the rebels handle this by contacting them or do it without violence: Bribe the President to let you roam freely around town and shops or give him a warning as well; should be keep these laws up, some "friends" will come for him.

Jan also made a similar guide for the Corleones here.

5.9 Unemployed

Unemployed is pretty much the only job where you can RP as anybody. You can change your job name using the /job command and do PassiveRP by yourself. (mentioned below)

They have the lowest salary of all jobs, but they can earn money through roleplay. It's all about your imagination!

6. Passive RP

Passive RolePlay is basically RP without guns, some people also think of it as RP without any of the FL items.

Passive RP is all about conversating with other people both IC and OOC. If you want to do this, be sure to put violence at the very end of your actions. Any job can PassiveRP despite their purpose and inventory.

This form of RolePlay requires you to do a lot of /mes and /its.

A good example of how this works is when playing as a Paramedic, for example. Bad RPers walk up to random people and hold M1. Good RPers drive the injured to the hospital and give them proper "treatment". This consumes more time, but it's generally more fun for both people. If not, then this community isn't for you.

For the end, I'll ask you one single thing, reader.

Please, PLEASE, do not use violence and guns if you don't like something IC just because you can. Try to make arrangements, bribes etc.

Otherwise, have fun!
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Messages In This Thread
[Basics] Starters Guide - by ZeroSupport - 10-27-2012, 06:59 PM
RE: The Ultimate Guide for Starters - by Adman - 10-27-2012, 07:06 PM
RE: The Ultimate Guide for Starters - by Toxic - 10-30-2012, 04:51 PM
RE: The Ultimate Guide for Starters - by hugoroy - 10-28-2012, 03:47 PM
RE: The Ultimate Guide for Starters - by Adman - 10-28-2012, 03:49 PM
RE: The Ultimate Guide for Starters - by Haarek - 10-30-2012, 07:58 PM
RE: The Ultimate Guide for Starters - by Haarek - 10-31-2012, 02:03 PM
RE: The Ultimate Guide for Starters - by Termin - 10-31-2012, 09:30 AM
RE: [Basics] Starters Guide - by ZeroSupport - 11-04-2012, 10:11 PM
RE: [Basics] Starters Guide - by Ludo - 11-14-2012, 12:22 AM

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