USA and Asia Admin Applications
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Beflok is my idol

Oh these admin apps bring back good memories for me.

Name: [FL:RP][GMG] Hooter++

Timezone: GMT -5 (Minnesota, United States)

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:29891494

Ingame Hours: 176 hours

Player since: Around October of 2011.

What does FL mean to you: Fearless has been great to me, and I plan on continuing to be great to it. Fearless has not only the best RP servers, but the community is amazing, and I really hope it will continue
to be a great influence on not only me, but the rest of this fabulous community.

Reason you want to be a FL Admin: The community is so fun to be around. Because I love helping people in real life, I would like to pass that on to the Fearless community to keep things smooth on the servers, which in turn, of course, will promote good RP. And because there are rarely admins on v33X, I would spend most of my time there, but I would still play on V2 if needed.

Are you a committed player: You bet. I am on Fearless almost every day RP'ing, (If there is a opportunity to, of course) or just helping the new players learn the ropes of RP. I follow the rules, and have never been banned before.

Any previous admin experience: I wouldn't apply to be an admin if I had no previous experience, would I? I am currently an advanced admin on 4 Team Fortress 2 servers run by the fabulous group, GMG, in which I have been there for over a year now. I am an admin on a community Minecraft server; An admin on the Aycerus Free-build servers in Gmod, I have also been there for over a year. I tell you, being an admin gives you enormous amounts of respect, and I like being looked upon by others.

What can you bring to the Admin team: Being an admin on a group of TF2 servers with over 3,500 members, there tends to be some arguments and and negativity on the floor. Dealing with so many of said issues has taught me to really listen to the story before jumping to conclusions. I am not really carrying much 'coding' potential on me at the time, so honestly, I would not really be helpful in the development of CityRP (code wise). Therefore, I would focus more on the players real-time needs, and keeping the dirty minges out.

Will you be active during the "European Night": The "European Night time" would be mostly daytime for me, so yes, I would.

Name: Joseph M. Dura [IGN: Joey Skylynx]
Timezone: GMT -7:00 Arizonian Time (We don't celebrate Day Light Savings)
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:11061926
Ingame Hours: 324
Player since: February 2011 became fully active in August
What does FL mean to you: FL in my eyes is one of the last safe haven for Semi-Serious RP in Garry's Mod. It's also one of the last server which I hold any activity on aside from GGG(building server). With RP fading away, I'm scared that new-"rpers" may be coming soon, and I believe FL should be looking into make the rules lenient and prepped for the oldies, but making it a little more demanding on newer players.
Reason you want to be a FL Admin: I wish to become an admin because it would allow me to uphold some duty for what I consider the last safe haven for RP. I'm also coming to request admin because I wish to take some slack of the other admins backs, and possibly install RP ways for dealing with people whom committed less atrocious offenses.

Are you a committed player: Almost all of my recent hours on GMod within the last two weeks have been dedicated to FL. [25.7 Hours]

Any previous admin experience: My previous admin experiences have been listed through several admin mods and servers... I'll be listing all of them below.

CS 1.6
DTG - DaTwinkle Gaming [2006]
Position: Moderator
BnB - Blood N' Bullets [2006]
Position: Council Bro(Super Admin)

EAW - Eagles at War [2007]
Position: Moderator

Garry's Mod
SGC - Stargate GMod Clan [2008-2009, 2010-2011] ULX/Exsto/ASS Mod/Source Mod
Position: Admin
BG - Building Gods [2008-2009] ULX
Position: Admin
Chiefehs TTT/TF2 [2010] ULX
Position: Admin
Statious TTT [2011] ULX/Exsto/Assmod/Source Mod
Position: Head Admin

What can you bring to the Admin team: I bring experience from several servers across Garry's Mod, Counter Strike, TF2, and the occasional Minecraft servers. This also goes for several different admin mods as are the ones which were listed with the servers I once admin'ed on. I also bring an optimistic attitude towards helping players become better RP'ers on the server, and helping out train the police force to combat Non-RP threats without disturbing the balance of RP within the server.
I've come to set my aims mainly on helping to improve RP on the server, training players when I can, and upholding my duties to protect the server from domestic threats.

Will you be active during the "European Night": If were talking 0000 Hours - 0700 Hours my time... I'm usually always on at that period.
Fultzy (my real name is Matt Fultz)

Eastern Time Zone ( Pennsylvania)


Ingame Hours:
about 350hrs

Player since:
i have been a player since late June to early July. I started playing on this server because my friend Ruskin told me about it after leaving the administrating crew from another server.

What does FL mean to you:
With Fearless I have my ups and downs for the first two months of my time here. I have cleaned my rep since then thanks to Grub mostly. Fearless has been a very good run so far in my career here. I have made a lot of friends here and lost some as well. Fearless is a place where I can go and meet up with friends on here and have a good time.

Reason you want to be a FL Admin:
Because from 18:00 to 1:00 Eastern Time there is no administrators on. ( unless Blackdog / Coffee are on) and I have had experience being an administrator. I am seventeen years of age and am always active on the server. I dislike how certain people are ignored that I notice all the time breaking rules and I would enjoy the honor of being the person that helps this server out.

Are you a committed player:
I am on the server everyday from the time period above, i haven't been for the past week due to some things IRL. Being a Junior in highschool I am never on during the day unless it is the weekend and if so I am on all day. But during the weekdays I am on from the times I put above. So yes, I do classify myself as a committed player.

Any previous admin experience:
I have owned my own server previous to fearless. it ended due to ownership disputes. I have been an administrator on a darkrp server and a super admin on another. The on i was an admin on i left due to the fact that the server ended up dying because of the owner left the server due to a dispute over coder and owner. These experiences showed my how to handle myself in certain situations and will bring my experiences here.

What can you bring to the Admin team:
I can bring to the team is someone with a good amount of experience in administrating, someone who is always active during those times when no admins are ever on, and I can help set people on the right track if they are going on the wrong path. I am able to see both sides to the story when something does occur. I can bring my type of personality as well. I am normally always a calm and collected person, but if it is necessary I can bring out bad cop.

Will you be active during the "European Night":
I am on every night during European Night time. And I do not plan to change this anytime soon. As long as nothing happens in Real Life I will be most likely on here having a good time.

Thank you for you time,

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  • FuttBucker24
(03-11-2012, 03:26 PM)Race Wrote: where can i submit an application to Europa time zone admin?

there isn't

[Image: 28guk44.png]

Thanks to Duck for the epic sig..
also thanks for the "a great friend since 2009" really appreciate it!

How about some Reputation?
Timezone: GMT -5. I live on the East Coast in USA.
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:27082458
Ingame Hours: Around 405
Player since: Played Since October 2010, Registered on the Forums in December of 2010
What does FL mean to you: Ever since my first days on FL, I came to realize that there truly was, no other server that you can even think of comparing to it. It wasn't just 10 kids who cant speak english, running around, but more. I came into this community not knowing how to roleplay, but I quickly learned. I discovered the joy of roleplaying with other people, and doing some of the most bizarre things. FL is an amazing community with great, caring and absolutely fair staff. FL to me is where I go when I have a desire... a desire to do something which I could never do in real life. FL is the absolute most fun roleplay server I have, and ever will play on. Most everyone in this community, who is a regular, I have found to be nice and love making friends with them. FL occupies most of my friends list. FL is all I could ever ask for from a server.
Reason you want to be a FL Admin: I feel after so much playing time on the server over a course of so long, that I could help out, now that I know how everything flows. While some people in the community don't really like me, I assure that once you meet me again you will see that I truly have matured and changed from a year ago. I've always wanted to ban the minges which completely trash my experience on the server from time to time, to help out the players with questions, and keep the server in the golden state of which its supposed to be in.
Are you a committed player: I'd say I am. I am just now getting really back into FL, and will be on 24/7 when I get my new computer very soon. I own a BMW and a Lambo, if that really says anything.
Any previous admin experience: I've helped own and manage two other small Garrysmod communities, but no longer do. I am also an (inactive) admin on a very very large Team Fortress 2 community. Never the less, I am very familiar with commands, and standard admin procedures. I assure you that.
What can you bring to the Admin team: I can bring fun and friendliness to the team itself. I've always wanted to be friends with all of the admins on FL and I see this as my best chance. I can also bring decent RP to the team. I know when to be funny, and when to be serious.
Will you be active during the "European Night": I get home after school and begin playing, and that's exactly when the European Night begins, so Yes.

FL, I thank you for taking time to read my application.
As a final statement I would like to just say, that I know all the rules, can RP, and know what I am doing on the server.

Sincerely, Coal Felpz
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Name: [FL:RP] Markla

Timezone: EST (GMT-5)

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:26177708

Ingame Hours: 13

Player since: I joined the old SF:RP community in 2009. I had a total of 750 hours on the server. It made up 100% of my Garry’s Mod play time.

What does FL mean to you: Personally, I feel a very special connection to FL. I’ve been here since 2009, and thus consider myself an older member. I lost FL when the name changed, and recently found it again. Fearless means community. It has its wonderful CityRP gamemode. I remember testing it out in the beginning – it was the hostage rope. The community at Fearless is nice, caring, and most of all, serious. They can have a good laugh, but won’t let it interfere with their ability to play. I see some of the most creative and thought out RP at Fearless. I was one of the most dedicated members in 2009, and hope to regain that title at Fearless.

Reason you want to be a FL Admin: I want to restore and preserve the wonderful community of Fearless. Regardless of what server one plays on, there will always be minges, failRPers, as well as generally confused people. As an admin, I could alleviate the stress and tension between these people. I would teach new players, and try to heal and improve the minges. I want to promote good RP. I was on the v33x server last night, and I saw how chaotic it was. Prop spam, prop kill, RDM, CarDM. It was ridiculous, and I don’t want it to happen again.

Are you a committed player: I considered myself a very committed player in the old community. I hope people can recognize that now and realize that I promote good, serious, RP. I have never been banned and always try to help admins, as well as regular players who need help.

Any previous admin experience: I’ve been an admin on several different game servers. Whether it be Terraria, Minecraft, Garry’s Mod, Team Fortress 2, or other MMORPGs, I have been an admin. I’ve managed communities upwards of 10,000 players (which can be very messy at times.) I’ve volunteered for several positions at Aion and Rift. One thing that is apparent with me regardless is that I like to help others. I will show them the ropes, show them tactics, and let them evolve and develop into strong players.

What can you bring to the Admin team: I can bring a constructive admin who always listens and attempts to solve the problem at hand without bans or kicks. I will show the player how they are wrong, and how he or she can go about fixing it. I’m unbiased and each case feels new. I’m always up for testing (I actually love it) new code. I’m a multipurpose tool. Need a case investigated? Sure. Need some new code tested? Sure. Need some PR done? Sure. Whatever you need, there’s an aspect of me that can do it.

Will you be active during the "European Night": Of course. I’ll be on anywhere from 8AM EST – 10PM EST. That can range from Morning through Night, European.
Name: [FL:RP] Indulge

Timezone: Pacific timezone

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:46513857

Ingame Hours:87

Player since:Last year when my friend told me about it,

What does FL mean to you:It's a great server, I love it. It's the best kind of RP in Garry's Mod. No other is better, but the minges are a problem, so that's why I want to apply. So I can get rid of them, and improve RP on the server. I also love helping players out.

Reason you want to be a FL Admin: Mainly to get rid of minges at the said timezone, and of course improve the role-play on the server.

Are you a committed player: Yes, I want to improve the wiki soon. I also do guitar RP sometimes on the server to just stop the minges, and let them listen to the soothing sound of my strings being strung Tounge

Any previous admin experience:
World of Warcraft - Head GM on a private server
Near-Reality - Player Support
RuneScape - Player Moderator (2009)

What can you bring to the Admin team: New ways to role-play, improvements to the server (Code-wise)
I will also be able to help out with ban requests, and unban requests. I always wanted to be friends with some of the administrators, but I just never RP with them.

Will you be active during the "European Night":Yes, of course. That's the reason I am applying! I will hopefully also be able to improve RP at the time as well. Since I live in Pacific timezone, when I get home from school. The time is VERY VERY early for me. When I get home from school it's roughly around 20:00 for UK.

Though I may not be of any significant level, this should not deter from those said credentials. Though I may not have 200-500 posts like some or 200+ hours, I'd still try me best to answer the questions that the players send, and also to help administrate the server. I'm also on the time that administrators are needed the most.

Fearless Player

Isn't there a 100 hour pre-requisite?

If you aint from Asia / USA stop posting here...
<3<3 I will never forget you grandfather 14.9.11 R.I.P<3<3

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