[CLOSED] Veloce Bandits
im guessing you would like to know the meaning of 'veloce' in english? it means swift, quick, fast, fleet and rapid in italian. i thought this would be the best word to use to describe the bandit group i am trying to assemble.

[Image: 2w4mul1.jpg]

the Veloce Bandits originated from italy in the early ages. they came about before the mafia and gangs. no body ever caught them or the leader because they were always on the move/run, always changing to hidden locations so the authority could never catch them. they would often blow up buildings and rob the foriegners in italy. until once the authority was chasing them while they were moving which drove them across a borders and forced them to leave europe and hijacked a boat. they have been sighted in evocity mugging people and wondering the streets.

they never gave the authority a chance to even get near them when robbing a bank or even just mugging somebody. the leadership of the bandits has been passed down from generation to generation, now it's Corvo Attano's (Elemental) time to lead the veloce bandits. they have never had any true enemies except for the authorities, they never hassled or caused any problems with the mafia or gangs.

as they travelled from italy to evocity they had made many friends and recruited members. some had lost thier lives due to snitching or devoting thier life to the bandits by saving them in a raid or got shot during the big journey to flee the italian authority. the word on the street is that Corvo has been seen trying to recruit new and faithful members he can trust to protect, serve and rescue.

[Image: cruise_map.jpg]

im trying to get as many members as possible to make the clan events as effective as possible. when we are not banned from the city we roam the streets mainly on foot and what we do on the street depends on how many bandits on at the time. if there are only a small amount of members on then we roam the street and mug people with suits on because they are usually rich. we pretty much cause mayhem around the city (in rules limits of course) by causing disruptions.

when we are banned from the city we will usually wait for the president to come out in a car (convoy or just driving around) and take him out as quickly as possible. before we even get near the president il do some IC planning on ways to take him out. i will let the bandits know and get them into positions. we would also often hostage police and authority for justice.

we have certain ranks/positions/roles for each bandit member. these are the available roles:

1. Leader (Elemental)

2. Driver (no one)

3. Bandit (no one)

4. Sharp Shooter (no one)

5. Defender (no one)

6. Planner (no one)

7. Body guards (no one)

the leader is the person who makes the decisions and has the final say on the plans and activities. he will almost all ways be hidden.

the Driver has to have a hummer or volvo and he drives the bandits into positions and takes the leader to where he needs to be. he is the getaway car that gets the bandits to the designated area.

the bandits are just soldiers that do what the leader tells them to do. they take part in all events and they are the main part of the group. they must have a AK47, Galil, Mac10, Desert eagle, knife, Crowbar (knife, crowbar and deagle for mugging). you only need one of these guns.

the sharp shooter is the main person who takes ou the president. he will go to designated place and support the bandits in battles. gun required AWP.

the planner helps the leader with strategies and planning. they imput opinions and ideas into plans.

the body guards stay with the leader and guards him from threats opposed.

[Image: 2n8rat4.jpg]

to join the Veloce Bandits post a reply answering these questions:

Steam name:

Steam id:

RP Points:

Hours played on server:

why you would like to join:

What job would you like as your main job:

(please only join if you are over 13 and have a deep voice).

All event times are in WA time zone. if you dont wish to apply on forums try and catch me on v2d at around 4 - 7 o'clock each day. thank you!
Always nice to see a new clan emerge in the city, maybe put more work into your Megathread?
Put in:
Images, a nice colour scheme, decent formatting, a roster of members in your clan.

Just a pointer, you can ignore it if you want, also be sure to put in PLENTY of information about your clan, really sell it to people so they want to apply. Alright, looks good for a base anyway, good luck with the clan Cheese
There has been no activity from this clan for 3 months.

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