[Guide] Starter Guide (Detailed)
[Image: basicguide-txt.png]

Table of contents:
Chapter 1: Roleplaying
Chapter 2: Jobs
Chapter 3: Cars

[Image: header-line-left.png][Image: header-line-right.png]

First of all, please try to use proper English and proper grammar, more about this in the following thread:

Chapter 1: Roleplaying
Fear RP: Roleplaying / Acting as if you fear a weapon, tazer, someone else's life or because you're outnumbered or outgunned.
If someone pulls out a gun and holds it up to your face, your RP reaction should simulate the reaction as in real life - You fear the gun and do not dare to resist/run off.
Fear RP also counts in vehicles.

[spoiler=Different kinds of FearRP:]

Fear RP under gunpoint:
Many people tend to pull out a weapon when they're under gunpoint. This is against FearRP (Gunpoint means that your "opponent" is pointing his/her weapon directly at you)
If someone is gunpointing you, you don't ever pull out a weapon or run off because you're likely get shot immediately, thus you should fear for your life, because after all "you only have one life", so roleplay this, don't make your life go to waste because you want to be a hero or something like that.
If someone points his gun at you, you do as he tells you.

Example: "Get on the ground or I will blow your brains out!"
Resisting would end in certain death, which you obviously fear, as I've stated above.

Fear RP under tazer point:
In this case, it's not about having fear for your life, but about being hurt by a tazer. Also in this case, you do not dare pull out a weapon or resist / run off.
If you don't believe being tazed hurts, take a look at this:

Fear RP because your colleague/partner is under gunpoint:
Basically it's the same story as "Fear RP under gunpoint", but instead of fearing for your own life, you fear for your colleague/partner's life. (Your colleague/partner would be for example: The Don Corleone if you're a corleone.
NOTE: If you're a police officer, a president or a Special Service Agent, fear RP applies also in hostage situations and other life threatening situations; You don't want to risk a hostage / other civilians getting shot)

Fear RP because you're outnumbered or outgunned:
Basically, it's the same story as "Fear RP under gunpoint" again, but this time not only because you're gunpointed.
Example: You singlehandedly try to raid the president, you gunpoint the president, but also get gunpointed by all of the SSA at the same time, you know you could kill the president and end up dead, so that's not an option. You know you could probably take 1 or 2 of the SSA out, but you won't get past the third and the fourth because they will already be shooting at you, so that's not an option either.
In this example, the right thing to do, is to drop your weapon and surrender.

Here are some examples of fear RP breaking

Spoiler :
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BMuI3dfRo...e=youtu.be Special thanks to : [FL:RP]GriiM for helping out

Spoiler :
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tXFEddf9F...e=youtu.be Special thanks to : [FL:RP]GriiM for helping out

Here's how fear RP is performed correctly.

Spoiler :
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Y6KU2h9T...e=youtu.be Special thanks to: BloopzTV, [FL:RP] RANDOMlagFTW, [RGers] Fallen and [FL:RP] Scene for allowing me to do a raid simulation to show Fear RP

New Life Rule (NLR)
The new life rule is one of the easiest, yet one of the most frequently broken rules.

I'll start explaining what the NLR is about;
Once you died, no matter how, you do not remember anything about your past life, you do not go back to the place where you died for at least TEN minutes.
Whether you're randomly killed, ran over, died of starvation, got propkilled by accident etcetera.

Ofcourse there's always exceptions, such as; You got propkilled on purpose and go back to gather evidence via filming or printscreens.

[spoiler= Here's a video of various NLR breakings]Video soon to come[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Here's a video of how to abide the NLR correctly] Video soon to come [/spoiler]

Random Death Match (RDM)
Random deathmatch is also a very commonly broken rule, I'll explain what RDM is and how to avoid it.

Zealord will do this.
[Image: header-line-left.png][Image: header-line-right.png]

Chapter 2: Jobs

[Image: President.png]

Ch. 2.1 President.

Job description:
The president is the leader of Evocity. He is the face of the government and he has the most power.
When you're a president ingame, try to act like a real president; Try and keep your civilians and employees pleased. Your income comes from taxes.
Your job is also coordinating the Special Service Agents and police force and organizing events, such as raffles or contests.

How to:
Set the tax to an amount you see fit for your current needs/roleplay. Use the /tax <amount between 0 and 30> for this.
Broadcast the laws frequently, so new inhabitants also know the laws and can abide by them: Use the /broadcast <text> command for this.
Warrant people for a period of time you see fit, do this by using /warrant <name> search|arrest <time in minutes>. For example, if someone is trespassing in the Nexus, or being naked in public.
Also, if someone is wanted by the police, use the /wanted <name> command, this allows for the civilians to actually be aware of certain situations and makes the police job easier.
If the city is in complete chaos or you just plainly need everyone inside, use the /lockdown command. This will force people to go inside.

Dos and don'ts:
- When you decide to raise the taxes, broadcast a reason why and don't keep them at a high amount for too long, the inhabitants of Evo City will appreciate your work and are less likely to get angry with you this way.
- Make reasonable and fair laws, don't ban everything that brings joy to the inhabitants of "your" Evo City.
- Don't ban cars, suits, shops etc. for no reason. If you have an RP reason state it in a broadcast to keep the citizens pleased.
- Don't make warrants on people if the police/SSA have not stated a reason.
- Regularly broadcast laws to ensure everyone knows about them.
- Be involved with your city, create events, this will also keep civilians happy.
- Make sure you have guards, you are very vulnerable to unwanted visitors
- Listen to what civilians have to say!

[Image: SS.png][Image: HeadSS.png]
Ch. 2.2 Special Service Agent.

Job description:
The special service is the special response unit of Evocity and is commanded by the head of special service. They carry an automatic rifle, a pistol and the regular police equipment such as a tazer, handcuffs and arrest baton. They stand by inside the Nexus, guarding the president. But in times of need, such as a raid or hostage situation, they are there to act.

How to:
Head of Special Service:
You are there to lead your group of agents. You tell them where they need to and what they have to do. Be sure to keep in contact with your agents by using /radio <message>. You should also keep close contact with the president, as he also can give you assignments.
Special Service Agent:
Same goes for you, except you're not the leader now. Follow orders issued by the head SS or president. Keep within the boundaries of the Nexus, set up a base and be on standby in case you need to respond to situations. While responding to a situation, you may act as a police officer. This means you can handcuff, taze and arrest suspects.

Dos and don'ts:
- Do not keep your weapon out, nor pointed all the time. Lower it or put it away, in order to remain passive.
- Respond to backup calls by regular police only if the president orders you to.
- The Special Service Agents are not only the president's body guards, but they should also be called in in hostage situations, bomb RP's and other life-threatening situations that might take place.
- As a Special Service Agent, you should follow orders given to you by the Head of Special Service and the president, no one else.
- Don't think you're a cop.

[Image: Police.png]
Ch. 2.3 Police officer.

Job description:
The police force of Evocity ensures laws are followed by the civilians. They carry out discipline and punishments for those who break the law. Your job is to patrol the streets and make sure the streets are safe. You are armed with a radio, a tazer gun, a pistol, a ram to open doors, an arrest baton, a pair of handcuffs and a speed checker. Your boss is the police commander.

How to:
You should patrol the streets and make sure everyone follows the current laws. Keep in touch with other police officers using /radio <message>. If you see anyone breaking the law, you may talk to the person and try to arrest him or let him pay a fine. If you suspect , or have evidence of, someone having illegal goods or is doing an illegal activity within his building, you may ask for a search warrant. To warrant someone for either search or arrest, you type: /warrant <(part of) name> arrest|search <time in minutes>.
Never use your gun first and if possible, don't use any items at all and maintain a passive atmosphere. This does not count when someone is being violent or refusing to listen. How you enforce the law is eventually your own choice, but keep within the rules.

Dos and don'ts:
- As an armed government employee, don't walk with your weapon out, use your hands instead.
- Try not to agressive-RP too much when you're a police officer, you are a role-model for the citizens of Evo City.
- Do not abuse your tazer, handcuffs, baton or weapons under any circumstances, this is police-brutality and most will likely get you demoted.
- You should not guard the president, as that might be part of the special service agent job.
- If a speeding car does not resist, you ask the driver politely to step out of the vehicle and ask him/her to pay the fine. (Beforehand, ask the president what the fine for speeding is)
- If you arrest someone, don't taze him more than needed. If someone is not resisting, do not taze him/her but simply handcuff the suspect and get a warrant.
- If someone resists arrest follow procedure and taze him/her once, handcuff him/ her and get the warrant.
- Do not forget to inform a supsect about what he/she did wrong.

Additional information:

Spoiler :
When there's a speeding car:
You may fire a warning shot at the car if they ignore your warnings, if they speed off, start pursuit and don't forget to turn your sirenes on.
Do not kill the driver, we know the world is a bit over populated, but trust me.. Killing speeders is not the solution. Instead radio in your position, radio the vehicle details and perhaps the license plate if you saw it (I.e. : My car's license plate could be "093-Salinsky") If deemed necessary, call in for backup and request a warrant if you saw the license plate.

If you are having a hard time stopping a speeding car, perform the pit maneuver. (Ram the car's tail on the left or right hand side to make it spin out.) Pin the vehicle down and gunpoint the driver, order him/her to step out of the vehicle.
Order him to face your vehicle and tell him/her to put his hands behind his/her back. Then cuff him/her and arrest them.

This is how you perform a pit maneuver, I had some little issues while performing it, but I eventually managed to get it done.

You can also try and pin the car down with a different method as shown here:

[Image: Paratrooper.png]
Ch. 2.4 Paramedic.
Job description:
The Evo City paramedic team makes sure the citizens of Evo City have an increased chance of surviving incidents such as people getting hit by cars, those involved in shootouts etcetera.

How to:
As a paramedic, you're somewhat responsible for who lives and dies, both in and outside the city. You are armed with a healing tool which allows you to recover HP of not only other civilians, but also yourself. You may standby in the Nexus lobby and act as an emergency response unit. Doing this in cooperation with doctors and firemen will ensure a strong team, even more if you build a station.

Dos and don'ts:
Don't charge money for healing; The government already pays you to do your job. This does not mean you cannot take tips people give you for helping them.
Don't patrol the streets looking for injured citizens; You're not a police officer, you're an Emergency Medical Service.
Don't car death match anyone on your way to an emergency; This leads to more fatalities, leading to unhappy civilians who don't trust the paramedics anymore.
Don't be anyone's personal paramedic; You should treat each patient equally, or you have an increased chance of demote/blacklist.
Do try to set up a hospital or an Emergency Medical Service Station; Perhaps in co-operation with doctors and firemen.
Do try to RP when treating someone; It's not like a paramedic in real life would come up to you and say "Oh, you're low on health.." *Magically heals the patient* "Cya."
Do try to use the sirens on your ambulance when you respond to emergencies; You will be less likely to car deathmatch anyone on your way there.
Do have fun when doing this kind of RP; Otherwise it will be less likely that your RP will be fun for other people.

[spoiler=Additional information:]When building a hospital or other medical installment, make sure you can park your ambulance properly and easily; Also make sure you can drive away quickly and with ease incase of a 911 call (/request).
When you have all that done, make some kind of "waiting" room, where you and your colleagues can sit and wait for 911 calls, make sure it's close to your vehicles, so your job efficiency goes up, enabling a quicker response and an over-all more organised Emergency Respone Station.[/spoiler]

[Image: Fireman.png]
Ch. 2.5 Fireman.
The fireman is a versatile job with many different options of RP. His main job is to put out any fires. He comes armed with a fire extinguisher and fire axe. The fire axe can be used to ram open doors, but don't abuse this. It will get you demoted, blacklisted or in the worst case: banned. You may set up a fire station, control fires, rescue citizens, ensure fire safety/install fire hydrants etc. This may all be your task as a fireman!

[Image: Secretary.png]
Ch. 2.6 Nexus Desk Secretary.

Job description:
Your job as a desk secretary is to be the president's secretary. You will make his schedual. Talk to civilians, make appointments and stay on watch in the lobby for possible problem-causers. You will reside at the Nexus desk. If there are two secretaries, one may go to the president's office and set up an office there.

How to:
As a desk secretary you must reside inside the Nexus building. You may build a small base/door near or behind the Nexus desk and decorate the Nexus lobby. You may make a door to prevent intruders from entering, or place plants to make things look nice. You should also keep the president informed about possible situations. While working as a secretary, you must also speak to citizens wanting information and ask what service they would like or what their problem is. If they need an appointment, try to get them one. But beware of suspicious types.

Dos and don'ts:
Don't: Go around running on the street or being outside of the Nexus.
Don't: make a doomfort at the elevator entrance.
Do: Make appointments with people and be polite.
Do: If there are 2 desk secretaries, one of you can make an office upstairs.

[Image: BMD.png]
Ch. 2.7 Black Market Dealer.

Job description:
As a black market dealer, you are the merchant of (mostly) illegal goods. You can sell weed pots, seeds, lockpicks, hostage ropes and much more! But beware of the police though, they are not a big fan of your work!

How to:
You are free to do what you want, as long as you (try to) sell your wares to the civilians. You might drive around your shop in a vehicle, or take the risk and set up a shop in or out of the city. You should on the other hand never solely farm weed or contraband.

Dos and do'ts:
Don't: Think you're a rebel and team up with them.
Don't: Build a base and farm weed. Same goes for contraband.
Don't: Because you're a vendor of illegal items, carry firearms all the time.
Don't: Raid people/bases.
Do: Try to sell your wares as much as possible. This prevents admin demotion.
Do: Have enough items in stock, you'll need it when you get big orders of seeds or pots.

[Image: Gundeallo.png]
Ch. 2.8 Gundealer.

Gundealer RP is a whole different world of RP in my opinion.
Make sure you have fair prices and keep your customers pleased.
Being a gundealer you should RP that you know something about the weapons, set up a nice little shop and try to make shelves to show your wares. Also, try to have a back room so you can get the weaponry someone ordered from there, instead of spawning it in the air. You could also have a shooting range and let people try out the weapons they purchased.

[Image: Doctor.png]
Ch. 2.9 Doctor.

Make sure you have a little clinic of your own, or perhaps share it with paramedics and make a hospital.

Act like you actually know what you're talking about and keep your patients alive and well. Try not to use weapons when you're RPing to be a doctor, it scares people off and is just not realistic as a whole.
Make sure your medicines are not too expensive, so as always, keep the prices fair.

[Image: Chef.png]
Ch. 2.10 Chef.

Try to set up a restaurant, use the places you think are good enough to build a restaurant in. If you think a restaurant is a "too obvious" choise of business, you could also try and make a coffee house or something similar. The most important part of being a chef is to actually have fun doing your RP, keep your head up, even when there's a little amount of customers. If you give up, you always lose!

[Image: Taxi.png]
Ch. 2.11 Chauffeur.

I find this one of the most amusing RPs to do, you meet a lot of people and if you drive decently, you will be rewarded decently!
Set up a little taxi station / Bus company where you can park your car and make sure you make "inviting" adverts. Try not to scare off your customers by running around with weapons or anything like that.

Since the bus has been added recently, there's another approach for the Chauffeur job; NOTE: It requires a bus.
You can have a tourist agency RP, you'll need an unemployed to do /job Tourist Agency - Guide and you need yourself and your bus. Drive people around the city while your guide tells them all about each and every building. Personally I find this a very pleasant RP to do and people seem to appreciate it. (It also helps new players find their way around the map, so it's a win-win)

Chauffeur RP is a nice RP and you can have set prices for locations such as UM, industrial, pool, villas and lake.
Keep the price fair and somewhat realistic. I usually ask for $30-$50, and government officials get free rides.

[Image: Don.png]
Ch. 2.12 Don Corleone.

As a Don, the corleone members are under your command. You're their boss and you want to keep your group's pockets filled, if you know what I mean.
As Don Corleone, you decide what kind of attitude your crew has towards the rest of the world.
You can choose to be the mobsters everyone should fear or you could start a passive RP, such as a corleone restaurant, corleone hotel etc.
Do not, under any circumstances start farming contra: Camping inside a base just waiting for your money to print

[Image: Corleone.png]
Ch. 2.13 Corleone.

I'll start with saying that the corleone RP is a beautiful thing which, by many people, is under estimated.
When people hear Corleone, they think contrafarming. But there's so much more to being a corleone, and I'll try my best to help you see that.

- For starters - Do not set up contraband if you're planning to camp it, this takes away the RP of the Corleone job and makes it all about quick-cash.
- Obey the Don, he's the one pulling the strings.

Things you could do as a Corleone (Ordered by the Don, ofcourse)

- Extortion
- Robbery RP
- Drug Cartel RP
- Drug Smuggling RP

- Hotel RP
- Restaurant RP
- Drug smuggling RP

And many more...

[spoiler=How to's:]
The Don orders some of the corleones to go into the city and visit shops, where the corleone would ask for "protection money", the protection price is determined by the Don, I'd recommend $100 per 4 paydays; so people will be less likely to refuse.

NOTE: Do not walk in there with guns readied or lowered. Walk in there with your hands, you don't want to get arrested immediately, plus you don't want the people you're asking "protection money" from to fear you on first sight.

If someone refuses to pay, that's no biggie. Come back later, this time, insist that he pays protection money, or bad things "might" happen, this will usually get them to pay, but if they don't, come back a third time and hold a weapon to their head, this should do the job, if not...
Simply walk out of their shop, yell "You've made one of the biggest mistakes in your life" or something similar and think out a strategy that will get them to pay you.

Robbery RP:
First off, you'll need someone to be RPing a bank / casino, to make the RP more realistic and "easier" to perform.
You'll also need a well equipped team of Corleones, a get away car and perhaps a Tides Truck, depending on what you're planning to steal.
You march in there, weapons not shown (You don't want to get caught before you even did anything, do you?)
You then have two armed corleones guarding the door, telling everyone to stay back, while those at the counter ready their weapons and yell, for example: "This is a stickup, everyone get on the ground!"
If people do not get on the ground, fire a warning shot into the air to show them you mean business, then have them open the vault / safe (Depending on what you're robbing) and make them fill the bags. The maximum amount you can actually steal is $2000 (regarding the rules)
Grab the bags and get to your hideout.

"Oh shi- it's the police!"
What ever you do, do NOT open fire first, tell them you have hostages and that they should stay back. Give them your demands; For example; A safe get away (Recommended method with this is RPly tie the hostages up and have them sit in your car while you make your great escape) So that the cops won't dare open fire, risking hitting the hostages.
If you're afraid it will end up in a shootout, you could always threaten to kill one of the hostages, if you RP this out well enough, your imagination will make it look great: Have the hostage sit in the doorway and make him kneel. Hold your weapon to his head and tell the cops to back off, or the hostage will die.
Another method of avoiding a shootout would be to use the hostages as a meatshield, preferrably do this with a handgun equiped.
Use a /me command saying something among the lines of "/me holds his Desert Eagle to the man's head" and extract yourself and the group from the area, to your hideout.

Drug Cartel RP/ Drug Smuggling RP

Set up a weed farm, preferrably outside of town, perhaps in industrial or something else of your choise.
Keep growing weed, but never stop RPing the things out. You could use /me waters the weed plants. For example.
Grow weed and eventually "morph" into drug smuggling RP, where you attempt to gain a monopoly on the drug dealing, both in- and outside the city.
Put your weed in bags of around 5grammes each, you can do this using the /me command.
Pack the weed and go to the city, this RP works best when there is some kind of toll booth, it increases the thrill, eventhough you can be pretty sure the cops won't find out you're smuggling drugs into the city. Be sure to visit Zacharias and sell him your weed.

Hotel RP
I'd recommend using either the Tides Hotel for this RP, or the apartments (Make sure you buy every door and name them room 1 etc.)
Advertise for your hotel, hire chefs and security guards. (Make sure the guards don't have a gun out constantly, it scares people away)
Overall, just have a good time doing this RP, it's a lot of fun to do this kind of RP, if you get enough people to join in, it's a guaranteed succes.
Also, keep the prices for the rooms affordable; I've seen people run hotels and asking $250 per payday, while I was trying to rent a room as an unemployed, so try keeping the prices fair; Example $50 per payday, if people do not pay, you kick them out of their room and put them on your "black list".

Restaurant RP
Set up a nice little Italian restaurant somewhere in the city, decorate it nicely and make sure you hire a chef to cook for your guests, this RP is, in my opinion mostly about having fun, so be creative![/spoiler]

[Image: header-line-left.png][Image: header-line-right.png]

Chapter 3: Cars

If there's a set speedlimit and you do not have cruise control, press and hold the W button for about 2 seconds, let go for a period of time and repeat the process to maintain a certain speed.
Depending on what car you're driving, you need to either "drift" around corners or don't brake at corners at all.

The best method for me to go around a corner in my car is to let go of the gas in time and make the turn.
Try to avoid hitting cars as much as people, it's not fun driving a car that easily flips, gets stuck or spins out when certain players think they should just shove you aside because their car is bigger and more expensive than yours, if they do  hit you with their car, send a /request to the police and explain what happened.

Spoiler: Here's an example of how not to drive:

Spoiler: Here's an example of how you should drive:

Car Death Match (CDM):
For starters; Car Death Match is a bannable offense.
The name already says it, Car Death Match; Purposely killing people with your car (Using your car as a weapon)

As you might know, some people tend to use their cars as weapons; You might have seen this, or experienced it first hand.
Using your car to kill someone is never the right thing to do; If you use "He pointed a gun at me" as an excuse for killing someone with your vehicle, you admit to both breaking of Fear RP and deliberate CDM, which are two bannable offenses.
There's really not too much to say about this topic, but I thought I'd clarify it a bit to those who don't yet know what CDM mean exactly.

Note: If someone runs you over with their car because you're on the road; It's not CDM unless they don't even attempt to brake or avoid hitting you, if they do try to avoid hitting you or hit the brake, it's infact qualified as an accident.
Whenever this happens, park your vehicle and get out, else the police will be more likely to pursue you and you'll have "evading arrest" on your criminal record (Arrest warrant) aswel.

Spoiler :
Video coming soon

[Image: header-line-left.png][Image: header-line-right.png]

Thread last updated on: November 8th 2012
Content added since last update:  More formatting, added new graphics, added top banner, extended separation lines added Subchapter CDM to Chapter 3 "Cars"
Next update scheduled on: Not sure when we will be updating this again, I cannot make a schedule for now; Sorry for the inconvenience.
Coming up:

New job: Rebel [Image: Rebello.png] formatting all classes into a nice sheet. More cleaning.

[Image: header-line-left.png][Image: header-line-right.png]


Ideas, writing guide, updating guide, guide layout, instruction videos
[Image: Zemensky.png]
I hope this guide helps, I put a lot of time and effort into this, if you think I'm wrong at some points, feel free to point them out and I'll review them!
- Salinsky

Writing pieces of guide, graphical design (icons etc.) updating guide.
[Image: ZealWatermark.png]
I've decided to help Salinsky with his guide. I support him to the fullest and I trust that this guide will become one of the best around!
- Zealord

[spoiler=Additional credits:]
In no particular order!
[Image: credits-heart]
- BloopzTV, [FL:RP] RANDOMlagFTW, [RGers] Fallen and [FL:RP] Scene for allowing to do a raid simulation to show Fear RP -
- [FL:RP] GriiM, for helping to make the Fear RP tutorial -
- TJ3003, for helping to make the pit maneuver video and the "regular" pull-over video. -
- Stillalive, for his thread. -
- Everyone who let us take pictures for the icons! -

[spoiler=Images sidenote: ]
[Image: exclamation.png]
All models and some graphics are owned by either Garry Newman, the creators of the skin/object which appear unknown, or the Fearless communtiy.
The final product/image however, especially the icons, is ownership of Zealord and should not be distributed elsewhere without contacting him first. The editing software used is GIMP and all files are in PNG format.

Messages In This Thread
[Guide] Starter Guide (Detailed) - by Salinsky - 10-16-2012, 01:51 PM
RE: [Guide] General Guide - by StillAlive - 11-03-2012, 10:32 PM
RE: [Guide] General Guide - by Salinsky - 11-03-2012, 11:53 PM
RE: [Guide] General Guide - by Mr Crates - 11-04-2012, 12:27 AM
RE: [Guide] General Guide - by Salinsky - 11-04-2012, 02:26 PM
RE: [Guide] General Guide - by Mr Crates - 11-05-2012, 04:53 AM
RE: [Guide] General Guide - by Verenikin - 11-05-2012, 06:34 AM
RE: [Guide] General Guide - by Narc - 11-05-2012, 08:51 AM
RE: [Guide] General Guide - by Salinsky - 11-05-2012, 12:11 PM
RE: [Guide] General Guide - by GRiiM - 11-05-2012, 02:30 PM
RE: [Guide] General Guide - by Salinsky - 11-05-2012, 03:00 PM
RE: [Guide] General Guide - by Salinsky - 11-05-2012, 07:33 PM
RE: [Guide] General Guide - by Zealord - 11-06-2012, 12:12 AM
RE: [Guide] General Guide - by Sammy - 11-06-2012, 03:29 PM
RE: [Guide] General Guide - by Syntex - 11-06-2012, 03:51 PM
RE: [Guide] General Guide - by Salinsky - 11-06-2012, 04:48 PM
RE: [Guide] General Guide - by Zealord - 11-06-2012, 05:02 PM
RE: [Guide] General Guide - by Zealord - 11-07-2012, 03:29 PM
RE: [Guide] General Guide - by Salinsky - 11-07-2012, 03:45 PM
RE: [Guide] General Guide - by Salinsky - 11-07-2012, 06:16 PM
RE: [Guide] General Guide - by Enzyme - 11-07-2012, 06:44 PM
RE: [Guide] General Guide - by Salinsky - 11-08-2012, 05:04 PM
RE: [Guide] General Guide - by GhostRider - 11-08-2012, 05:07 PM
RE: [Guide] General Guide - by Adman - 11-08-2012, 05:10 PM
RE: [Guide] General Guide - by Salinsky - 11-08-2012, 06:28 PM
RE: [Guide] General Guide - by ZeroSupport - 11-08-2012, 07:30 PM
RE: [Guide] General Guide - by Zealord - 11-08-2012, 09:59 PM
RE: [Guide] General Guide - by StillAlive - 11-08-2012, 10:17 PM
RE: [Guide] General Guide - by Salinsky - 11-08-2012, 10:21 PM
RE: [Guide] General Guide - by Zealord - 11-09-2012, 08:17 AM
RE: [Guide] General Guide - by ZeroSupport - 11-09-2012, 05:56 PM
RE: [Guide] General Guide - by Zealord - 11-11-2012, 01:20 PM
RE: [Guide] Starter Guide (Detailed) - by Tribal - 02-06-2013, 10:35 PM

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