2 months banned and i did not what i was banned for
The problem is, 2 months for "insults" when i was not only one arguing and some guy said "fuck you" well i guess that guy is still playing xD
Are you going to give me 2 months ban? basicly 2 months i could create another account and reach what i reach in this one, guess what , i wont.
I want to get this ban shortened, yes i do. The others say "fuckk you, shutup blablabla" --> nothing happens, the others random tranq ---> nothing happens, just tell me, will you short it my ban or at least punish the others?
You've said enough, Jonesy, it's not your duty to lead a courthouse case here, only provide your statement with your involvement to the case, nothing else.

You broke the rules, following came appropriate punishment. Appeal denied.

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