07-17-2016, 09:52 AM
(This post was last modified: 09-01-2022, 01:05 AM by Fearless Community. Edited 1 time in total.
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You have been selected as one of 100 new recruits to work in the Evocity police department.
This guide will explain the job your have been assigned and how you are to go about performing it.
In this guide, we will be covering:
1. What is a police officer
1.1. Tools and weaponry
1.2. Uniform
2. The law
2.1. Arresting Process
2.2. Rights
2.3. Treatment
3. What is use of force
3.1. When to use force
3.2. What to use when
3.3. How to use your weaponry
3.4. S.R.U. and backup
3.4.1 Your safety
1. What is a police officer
1.1. Tools and weaponry
1.2. Uniform
2. The law
2.1. Arresting Process
2.2. Rights
2.3. Treatment
3. What is use of force
3.1. When to use force
3.2. What to use when
3.3. How to use your weaponry
3.4. S.R.U. and backup
3.4.1 Your safety
Section 1.0 : What is a police officer?
A police officer is a member of the government law enforcment services. He/She is here to protect and serve the civillians
of Evocity through arresting those who are committing crimes and educating others on the law and what is right and wrong.
Section 1.1 : Tools and Weaponary
Officers are provided with a standard issue USP .45, a telescopic ASP baton, a taser, handcuffs and a ram (OOC: And the arrest baton)
You are only permitted to use certain government approved weaponry including:
The MP5, the M4a1 and the M3 Super 90. When to use these weapons can be found under section 3.1 (When to use force)
Section 1.2 : Uniform
You are provided with a navy blue police uniform with a tie, holsters, boots and a radio. You are expected to wear this to high
standard throughout your patrols. There is the option of a cap however it is reserved to senior officers (1 RPP)
Section 2.0 : The Law
The law is something you are expected to know to a high standard. You are to study it regularly through the government website
(/laws or F1 > Laws)
Section 2.1 : Arresting Process
The arresting process changes depending on the severity of the crime. If someone is suspected of a small crime, such as shoplifting,
you would calmly approach them then request them to comply with your orders to turn away from you and place their hands behind their
back/head in order for you to detain them. At this point they are not under arrest, they are never under arrest until you read their
rights to them. At this point you would search them to find the stolen items. If they are found, you read their rights and request a
warrant (Use /warrant [NameGoesHere] [Arrest/Search] [Reason]. Then send them to jail once the warrant is accepted (Hit them with the
arrest baton). If it were a more serious crime, like murder or raid, you would have your firearm drawn and have backup if possible.
You would then shout for them to put their hands up and / or get on their knees. While you have your firearm drawn, you are to detain
and / or kick away any visible weapons. Then search and arrest as before.
Section 2.2 : Rights
To place someone officially under arrest by yourself, you are to read them their miranda rights / police caution.
It reads as follows:
UK Police Caution Wrote:"You do not have to say anything but it may harm your defence if you do not mention, when questioned, something which you later rely on in court. Anything you do say may be given in evidence."
USA Miranda Rights Wrote:"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you. Do you understand the rights I have just read to you?"
Section 2.3 : Treatment
You are to treat all people in custody as you would anyone else unless they attempt to assault you. To prevent escalation of the situation,
you should always be nice and friendly with them. You may not like it but it's the best way to prevent you or him/her getting assaulted.
Section 3.0 : What is use of force?
Use of force is when you use physical action to stop or detain someone. This can include: Hitting someone with your ASP baton, Tasering them,
grabbing them, tackling or in extreme cases opening fire upon the person.
Section 3.1 : When to use force
Force should only be used when you or others are in extreme danger. If you are being attacked, others are being attacked or someone is failing
to comply after being warned multiple times, then you may use force.
Section 3.2 : What to use, when
Use of force should always be avoided unless you really need to. Try to talk them out of what their doing first. Your words should be your first
weapon, then the baton or taser as they are non lethal unless used repeatedly. Your firearms are your final measure. It is only to be used on a
suspect with a firearm that is very aggressive. Your job is to arrest people who have committed crime, not to kill them and take judgment into your own hands.
Section 3.3 : How to use your weaponary
To operate your USP .45, draw it from your holster and move the safety into the live position. Once your are aiming at your target, place your finger on the
trigger and pull. Ensure your arm is not locked straight as it can cause heavy damage. More firearms training will happen during your training sessions.
Your taser is operated by drawing it, disabling the safety and activating the power then aiming at firing. To open your asp baton, just grip it tightly by
the handle and flick, the baton will fly open and lock in place.
Section 3.4 : SRU and backup
If you are receiving fire from suspects or a property you are about to enter has reports of firearms, use your radio and call backup (Type /backup or /panic)
This will send an emergency broadcast to all officers to request additional units. While awaiting additionals, fall back and hold an area to prevent them leaving
or harming yourself. Once additional have arrived, brief them and come up with a plan.
Section 3.4.5 : Safety
There is an order of safety when performing your job. You are the most important, if you are injured or are in extreme danger alone, do not attempt to take
on anyone. Await additionals. The next most important is your fellow officers. If an officer is unconscious, your first priority is to get them out.
Your next priority is any civilians in the area or hostages. The final priority is the criminal themselves. If everyone else is safe, then you can
go for the criminal. If the only way to make everyone safe is to go for the criminal then that's what you do.
Thank you for reading this guide to your new job. I am excited to see you at training.
Signed : ![[Image: 3_E942_DBCFDD018464_D07_A878131_F90_DA.png]](https://wsrv.nl/?url=s31.postimg.org/5tr72wc4r/3_E942_DBCFDD018464_D07_A878131_F90_DA.png&w=1920&h=1080&fit=inside&n=-1&we)
![[Image: 3_E942_DBCFDD018464_D07_A878131_F90_DA.png]](https://wsrv.nl/?url=s31.postimg.org/5tr72wc4r/3_E942_DBCFDD018464_D07_A878131_F90_DA.png&w=1920&h=1080&fit=inside&n=-1&we)
Johnathon "mint" Macira - Police commander of training and recruitment