Steam Name: PU$$YKI

SteamID: -

BanID: -

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Staff Member: -

Involved users

Why should you be unbanned?
This is my reply since it was denied straight away, I did not continue anything that you told me was against the rules. You blacklisted me from OOC after kicking me for Rule 4.2, I didn't break rule 4.2 which states SWEARING excessively is against the rules, I didn't swear and you can check my logs. You then blacklisted me from OOC which is fair enough so I did things IC and there wasn't a problem.

You then randomly demoted me as staff while I was president for "FailRP" for being sexual as the vice president which I didn't understand but again is different to OOC so I didn't ignore.

What things did I ignore taxi please let me know.

please read this: https://fearlessrp.net/showthread.php?tid=10
Fearless Veteran 8^)

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