Steam Name: fetty

SteamID: 76561198440741207

BanID: 83861

Ban Reason

Staff Member: Tomo

Involved users

Why should you be unbanned?
i was band for Exploiting first of al  dont know what of exploiting  secd of all he dint give me a waring i was doing  bug things so i cant know whitout  saying anything he just band me how can i know what i did wrong then i can i get more info or  a unban if i dont know what i did how can i learn from
Hi Fetty,

After fixing the exploit in question we did a thorough search of the logs to identify users who had used it based on clear patterns in their planting and harvesting activities while farming. While your usage of it did not appear as severe or as vast as a few other players were, it was clear to us that you did use the exploit, and we therefore issued a ban relative to the extent of how much you benefitted from it.

Due to this, I don't see any reason to lift your ban.

I'll give you chance to respond to my statement.


[Image: tgRQtsH.png]
i was fariming i just left the server to try to  get fps my fps was running  down while using  evrthing to boost fps i ask a friend on discord  what to do to get fps he sad try to rejoin and  do thing in my pc settings my friend can back me up for it in my eyes i dint use a  bug i dint get  more stuff after joing i dint get less thing while joing back i realy dont know what i did wrong  yes i was farming and yes i  discocent  whiel farming but as i sad i dint get  more or less stuff
i thing is waht i dont get i dint get anything about the bug i literly dint get anything out idk  what bug thing i use and i dont even know how to start the bug  what the point of me banding whne i literly dint get anything ut of it and i dont even know  hwo to  do it what the point then look man in your eyes or in the list you sad i use a bug if i did i am really sorry about but as far is i know i dint get stuff out if i am just try to play on the server again it keeps me away from what happens in the real word i play on few ohter server and feurless is just difernt and better

Reasons already stated by Tomo
Fearless Veteran 8^)

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