Steam Name: Frost

SteamID: N/A

BanID: N/A

Ban Reason
Discord ban reason: posting a swastika Forums: Just needs to go.

Staff Member: N/A

Involved users

Why should you be unbanned?
Posting for Frost.

I am posting this UBR here today to get unbanned from Discord and the Forums, If I recall correctly I was banned from discord for posting something with a swatstika but this was a long time ago now, nearly a year I think, but my forum ban I have no idea who banned me or why I was banned from here, so I just want an unban from these 2 services.

I'm already unbanned from the FL game server soo
Hi Frost,

I will bring your request up with the team.


-Removed by Steven8ken
Hi Frost,

Thank you for allowing us to take the team to review your unban request.

Unfortunately the team has come to a vote and decided, you will not be unbanned on the Discord or the forums.


-Removed by Steven8ken

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