Report: Jim
Name of player: Jim


Time in GMT: 15:45 - 15:40

Server: V4B1

Summary: I was apparently asaulting a man with a baseball bat then he pulls one out and doesnt get arrested and them two are friends so thats why i think

You attacked Desastro with a baseball in the boxing ring when he was only punching you, what do you expect to happen? Desastro never hit you with his bat otherwise I would have arrested both of you.
[Image: lewis-hamilton-silverstone2022.gif]
he did hit me with the bat
I didn't see that otherwise I would have arrested him too. It may have been a dodgy angle but it looked pretty one sided from where I was standing at nexus, with you hitting Desastro with the bat and him punching you.
[Image: lewis-hamilton-silverstone2022.gif]

More of an in-character thing, but the arrest does sound valid and there was a reason behind him arresting you as Jim explained.
[Image: 8TTYBHM.png]

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