Player Report - Nicholasas
Name of player: Nicholasas

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:228716084

Time in GMT: 21:00 ish

Server: V4D

Summary: Started screaming down him mic for a solid 10sec. He has 429 hours so definitely knows not to do it.


Thanks kindly - Cro - PR Patrol Officer

People was surrounding Nick to the point he was stuck which obviously annoyed him so he retaliated by shouting in his mic. It's quite obvious that Nick wanted to move which is why he was punching but they wouldn't budge. If I was in Nicks position personally I would do the same because it's annoying. 

Even awestruck was there and didn't see the problem in it so why the need to post a PR?
Kind Regards,
Fearless Donator
It's not severe enough to issue a punishment. I would however have issued a warning if I wasn't on a mission.

Denied yet Approved.
Kind Regards,

[Image: nw3ghiD.gif]

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