PR: jeff the player - rdm as gundealer
Name of player: jeff the player

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:146886826

Time in GMT: 11:42 - 11:53

Server: v2d

Summary: jeff came into the nexus and harassed us to give him a government pass, we rejected the request multiple times. He then left the nexus, came back with a different job title (still gun dealer) pulled a weapon out and mowed the President down, and attempted to kill me. Later on when I was president and the old president was vice, he came back to kill us again. He changed his jobs to multiple things like 'asasin'. Completely self-supplying for his criminal path.

Poseidon Corporation - Director of Government Relations
LGBTQR+ Society - Founding Director

"Real integrity is doing the right thing, knowing that nobody's going to know whether you did it or not." 
-Oprah Winfrey

Been there as VP
~ Equinox ~

User guilty of RDM and shooting and killing the president as a gun dealer.
NOT AN Administrator

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