Able to react in the general chat
Title of suggestion: Able to react in the general chat

Description: Able to react in the general chat

Why: Why not? The chat isn't that serious to not have the ability to do such an action.
This has been suggested before
still +support
[Image: ETQjSgL.jpg]
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Dont care, I'm banned.
Ex - Contributor
[Image: qrw50vfb_o.gif]

Would be cool to get some emojis in there.

Improves Discord interaction.
   [Image: uickTS0.png] +Rep
[Image: 8TTYBHM.png]

Why is it even disabled?
+ Support

[Image: 59e38218dc8c4.png]
Kind regards,

[Image: X8prSQG.jpg]

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