PR : [FL:RP] Dob
Name of player: [FL:RP] Dob

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:199645405

Time in GMT: 9PM - 9:15PM - In that time frame

Server: V2D

Summary: Was driving my car didn't first notice him, but when i was trying to get out of my car to try to test if my donator items still worked cause the GM was a bit broken i get gunned down for no reason.
Evidence: Logs + Video of him shooting

if the above video doesn't work :
[Image: Yzs7t0g.png]
If you can read this you're a coon
Hi Chumps,

May I ask you to provide evidence of that it was [FL:RP] dob that killed you?

This is all the evidence i have.
[Image: Yzs7t0g.png]
If you can read this you're a coon

User is found guilty of RDM. Violence should be his last option. You posed no threat to him even if he was involved in another RP/Shootout. Thank you for your report. After being discussed with staff members online at the time and further proof has been provided via logs.


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