Report: bek.silvester
Name of player: bek.silvester

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:117240641

Time in GMT: 22:00 / 21:00

Server: V5P

Summary: Okay, so this guy has ran me over four times now, two of them I didn't get recorded but I managed to record two of them. I also over heard him saying to his friend "Let's go pick up knocked out people". The two other times, he ran me over as a taxi driver and just drove off without doing anything, while I was mid RP. One of them he came over to me and lt.jeff and said "Who needs a taxi" he then reversed up the road and attempted to run us both over, only getting me however.

You can also see lt.jeff PMing me saying "I didn't ask him to do that" because we we're having a fight when he ran me over.

Approved, user will be punished for CDM.
Thank you for your report.
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[Image: 8TTYBHM.png]

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