AggressiveRP Talk [Humans only(was going to say men only but that is sexist)]
More rules and regulations that targets on aggressive RP is also a factor of the decline. e.g

"sing the world/map to your advantage, i.e. Apartment corridors). Sloped props, most notably triangular props, may not be used in a defensive structure." was added like 8 months ago, we couldn't base at the first floor apartments anymore.

"Chest-high cover is generally allowed, but there are limits. Do not spam chest-high cover or use them constantly in combination with features such as tight corridors; this also often looks unrealistic. If you're unsure, ask an admin." It was never an issue until like 8 months ago when that rule has been added.

When walkways in bases were considered allowed, we had a rise of aggressive RP which was good at the time because aggressive RP was in decline at that time, but after a few weeks it got forbidden and there was a decline again.

Front defense in the Nexus became forbidden like 3 months ago or something, probably because "UREALISM" "AGGRESSIVE" "NOT PASSIVE" and then aggressive RP got fucked because of that, the Government got fucked because of that rule and you won't witness molotovs on front nexus anymore which is the universal sign of intense gun fights and fun.

So in short, regulations and rules on Aggressive RP will only result in decline, therefore losing players and interest.

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RE: AggressiveRP Talk [Humans only(was going to say men only but that is sexist)] - by konsta - 05-07-2018, 12:05 AM

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