Player Report: Rape Fruit
Name of player: Rape Fruit

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:116011253

Time in GMT: 11:23

Server: v5p

Summary: I was walking from the walkway and he crashed into me, then he even didnt stop and called paramedic. Thats his second time CDMing me, I couldn't record the first one.

Evidence: uploading videos

- Awaiting Evidence -

User was found CDMing without calling a paramedic. I'd advice you also, the first incident was a legitimate CDM but you kept pestering around in the middle of the road, almost baiting him to run you over. I'd advise you do not to that, not many people play around in the roads as they in-fact, fear for their lives...
[Image: 8TTYBHM.png]

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