PR Gilfoxgen
Name of playerGilfoxgen

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:136150724

Time in GMT: 8:47pm gmt onwards

Server: v5p


Was dealing with someone for speeding around the city. Told Gilfoxgen (pink merc) to leave and instead he ran me over.

2nd one is him running away constantly from the tazer

3rd one he attempted to prop kill me after i was impounding the car for being illegally parked 

Long story short he was minging around all night getting in the way of the Police


No audio as my Shadowplay isn't setup properly. Will fix for next time, i had no idea
User will be punished for intentional CDM and prop pushing. As for the running from tazer, unfortunately there would need to be either a voice command or a text command showing you telling him to stop.

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