Report: <Predator!>
Name of player: Predator!

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:147354347

Time in GMT: 7:09 PM

Server: v5p

Summary: Raid Baiting - Having a large weapon on his back within eyes on the public, and as a citizen. He then seemed to powergame and change his job in order to gunpoint me and have a gun fight with the police, not sure why he gun pointed me in the first place it was very confusing.

Hello Ethan,

The man was looking away and typing "/job name" until you appeared from behind, he ran inside while you followed him even if he had a gun. I would not class that as Raid-Baiting, the man is in possession of contraband and is located in the slums area. You can clearly be seen breaking Fear RP, Ethan. Every situation shall be classed as In-Character.

[Image: 8TTYBHM.png]

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