Report: spuddy
Name of player: spuddy

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:471503, not 100% sure.

Time in GMT: 18:00 - 20:00, not sure.

Server: v5p

Summary: Before I started recording, he CDMed me, and said: "revenge" (I accidently run him over, and tried to call paramedic) After that, we had about.. 5-15 min long chase. He took his gun and tried to shoot me. Unfortunately someone ran him over and he died. I took his gun. I was gonna give it back, maybe. But what he did was really... inappropriate. He broke NLR, to get his car and see is his gun still there. After that he took prop, and started to push me, and my car, so I couldn't use it. I think player with over 150 hours should know that's not good.

Evidence: Sorry for bad quality.

Player unnecessarily proppushed vehicle. Player has
been previously punished for this.

Player also attempting to proppush player.

Player also is micspamming/does not have
a sufficient prop to symbolise wheree the sound is coming from,
however this is minor.
[Image: get.php?s=STEAM_0:0:81986316&b=12]
[Image: get.php?s=STEAM_0:0:81986316&b=12]

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