PR: Brown Rice
Name of player: Brown Rice

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:210341082

Time in GMT: Around 14:20

Server: Evocity V5P

Summary: We were investigating two cars in the tunnel, then I looked back and saw this guy, Brown Rice, get shot on by two fellow officers. When he was about to die, he disconnected and reconnected instantly to get back his car and not die. You can see it's him because of the disconnect and connect messages in the chat and his car instanly disappearing when these messages pop up.

[Image: 9OySZ2W.png]

Was I of any help? +Rep
Player Report Denied.

After checking the logs it is clear that the accused user didn't reconnect to get their car back.

Thank you for your report.
Finn Conlon 

 +Rep me Here
[Image: 8TTYBHM.png]

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