PR Sawcrazykid
Name of player: Sawcrazykid

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:41627560

Time in GMT: 8pm, 7pm uk time

Server: v5p

Summary: opened fire on me to stop my vehicle , even though firearm is last option, apparently he warned me multiply times, as u can see in the video , the only time when I heard him was for about 2 seconds when I passed him with my mclaren .

PS : HE said in the last second : I TOLD U TO PULL OVER MULTIPLY TIME " which is definetly not true, so lying to me and making up excuses

[Image: get.php?s=STEAM_0:1:56218145&b=2]
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[Image: JlVSE6lwQRmk3dOcKAsFIA.png]

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