Report: EndoDK
Name of player: EndoDK

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:91297246

Time in GMT: Approximately 11:00AM - 11:10AM

Server: v5p

Summary: Classic breaking of rules 4.1 and 12.5, with a random taze and then execution. Was never told why, was completely out of the blue.

Evidence: (I also have a shorter clip which shows him quitting the server, will provideĀ if necessary.)

Concluding notes

Reported user has been found guilty of RDM. You can see there is no President to take the role of a Dictator or give out such requests nor does it fit that RP situation. Unfortunately I cannot do anything about the report of random tazing as the given video isn't sufficient, feel free to post another PR that's more in depth if needed.

User will receive a 1 hour blacklists from weapons & a 12h ban.

Thank you.
[Image: tgRQtsH.png]

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