Report: BarmanCZ-TheGreenBubble
Name of player:BarmanCZ-TheGreenBubble

SteamID: BarmanCZ-STEAM_0:0:148463207

Time in GMT: 10:40(GMT+3)


Summary:BarmanCZ-Randomly placing props

Evidence:Uploading the video
Just going to post here to confirm that I am a witness of this, and was affected.
i have self control
Evidence added
Hey, im 'ouch a cactus' the friend of 'TheGreenBubble' who is accused for "propkilling".
TheGreenBubble asked me to reply as he doesn't have a forum account so I had to say the following words: As you can see in the video, I didn't propkill anyone. So propkilling? I don't think so.
Skip to 0:45 TheGreenBubble

User was not found guilty, as it was a minor offense, but for future reference, avoid carrying props for no reason around the city with your physgun.

TheGreenBubble: APPROVED

User was found guilty of prop killing on purpose.
[Image: 8TTYBHM.png]
[Image: mEVbpdN.png]
Thanks to Envy for the signature.

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