Report: Nigg nogger
Name of player: Nigg nogger

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:169397287

Time in GMT: 10:00 am ish

Server: V4B1

Summary: They have guns out and the president is allowing it and their jobs is criminal and self identified admin....and they say they are allowed it its private propety but shopping street is public and the pres has a casino their which is also against the rules.
The law says guns on private propety but they just have guns and weapons out in public and with weird jobs and also I was called an 8 year old as an insult but I have no evidence to that and that was not the president.  So what the president did was failrp by letting people have guns in public.

Evidence: [Image: EC0E5DFE1BF217B793993117A5DE63DDD57B7FA3]
[Image: B25504D00811235251879AD289B78E36B294ED93]
[Image: 145D809AE367E63946D91F80360681A1B6AF1991]
[Image: BE1D641DEE354DD0A093E103E9CEAA7C59CA08A2]
-Involved I was in the server at the time-
President can allow a criminal to have gun if he looks to his job that will be metagaming,
Setting job to identified admin is FailRP, you are right,
If president counts the person as government personal he can have his gun out at public area,
Setting description to 'tall guy; got a casion? pm me' is FailRP, you are right but there isnt any evidence of that the president owned the casino

User has already been punished for the same situation in other report.
[Image: 8TTYBHM.png]

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