Player Report - Trovenator
Name of player: Trovenator


Time in GMT: 13.13

Server: v4b1

Summary:While trying to rob him he started to try and contact the admin that was online so i explained that we would put our guns away while we resolved this however we are still robbing him and when this is resolved we will raise our weapons again

Evidence:  (sorry for quiet audio on voices)
Hello Fox7!

when you are mugging people, you can MAX ask for $500, that is NOT to each person. but in all, Yet you if you rob 3 people, you can ask for $1500 - $500 * 3 = $1500..

All of this would not have happended, if you followed the rules, with amount of $ you can ask for. Therefore

Report reviewed and approved

Closing notes:
Trovenator (STEAM_0:0:142201893) was found guilty of - Running while getting hostaged
Trovenator will be issued a Verbal warning, for - Running while getting hostaged!


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