[Solved] How To Solid Weld ?

In Gmod Is there any tool to weld props toghater hard [Solid Weld] ?

Because I want to Solid Weld Prop to my charger as the Picture show !


Please Help me with it , Thanks
Only staff can weld things to your cars.
NOT AN Administrator
Im not sure what you mean by 'Solid Weld'. But players cannot weld to cars only Staff can.
Joe Joe
Fearless Teacher Admin Clan Officer Admin Event Manager Clan Officer Veteran Admin Event Manager Veteran Management Veteran

[Image: OMVm0Um.png]
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Only staff can weld props to cars. Ask them with @ [Message] .
If you mean Garry's Mod in general, normal weld tool should work.
Also, owner of the thread left the community.


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