PR - Prepare to DIE #Maniac - Metagaming
Name of player: Prepare to die #Maniac
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:68058359

Time in GMT: around 7:30 GMT

Server: V2d

Summary: Basically what you can see here from my slideshow with audio (OBS not fucking working properly but I think this is still valid evidence) is me, as a rebel, in a suit. The cop comes up to me and says "Rebels are not allowed, please leave (basically what he says)".  I asked him (Not sure if it was included) But he said he looked at my job to find out. There was a law stating rebels were banned (No reason though...). Is see this as clear meta gaming going of a bit of floaty text(OOC) to use it IC.

Evidence    - First part shows me changing into a suit. The meta begins towards about 1:35.
Showing a screenshot with audio in the background in not sufficient evidence, as it does not show whether you were still wearing a suit while the officer were talking to you.

As such, I will deny this PR.

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