Contributor Unblacklist: the best ever gamer
Posting on behalf of "the best ever gamer"

Your name: the best ever gamer, vimpto

Your blacklist ID: dont have one rip

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:110116747

Reason: Trolling and lying. Not serious at all.

Staff member who blacklisted you: Darkn00b

Reason why you should be unblacklisted: There is no rule I cant be unserious, trolling and lying wtf lmao Sad

As stated this blacklist will never be lifted.
You have shown to have too much of a mingy/trolly attitude that we could ever consider you viable again.
Iwould also like to know how you obtained this picture, as it shows my name in the top left. I yet fail to recall giving out a screenshot of this site to anyone.

Unblacklist Request Denied

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