Report - PCGaming80
Name of player: PCGaming80

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:110248991

Time in GMT: Between 5PM - 7PM

Server: V4B1

Summary: Fail RP, removes cuffs "zip ties" from someone placed under arrest and placed under Fear RP. Can provide video evidence if necessary

Evidence: [Image: 2ef8c0d0ddb94b78a6b62d2135511cbc.png]
[Image: a17c7f62a756454696120bd86c288c03.png]
[Image: giphy.gif]
Non of these pictures show a person being arrested by the police.

Insufficient evidence.

You have 24 hours to upload sufficient evidence, or this will be denied.
I'll show you the full video. Hold on I'll have to trim it as it recording my full game play.

Will be done within the hour.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Alot is going on, although now that I think about it Newt Scammander actually broke FearRP also.

EDIT: Forgot auto embed doesnt work anymore
[Image: giphy.gif]
Honestly don't see the point in making player reports if they take nearly a week to be resolved...could have told me I needed more evidence within ten minutes of posting it, yet it takes 2 days, then once I go to the actual hassle of clipping a 2 hour long video, uploading it to YouTube, posting it here no one bothers their arse getting back to you.

I mean fucking hell, players are the one doing you's favours by actually making reports so you can keep on top of rule breakers. Jeez Louise.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Player found violating the rules.

Blacklist will be issued.


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