Saddam<Hussein! xP
Posting for Saddam as he's unable to access his forum account

Your name: Saddam<Hussein! xP

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:41161698

Your ban ID: 74534

Banned by: [FL] Generation

Reason:Harassment, enough warnings


Why we should unban you:
So I was imitating generations lyrics from the staff rap video
(lyrics from this song) <-- around 2:26 mark
Most of the people in OOC thought it was funny, so I kept going, logs can be checked as nothing I said was meant as harassment, just purely entertainment. I was never told to stop/warned, until the final warning, but when the final warning was given, I didn't notice it as I was writing another one, but afterward I noticed it and apologized, but it was too late as Generation saw red and banned me for 30 days. I find it ridiculous that i should suffer due to him not liking the video, but the video was made for entertainment, so I fail to see the problem with me having fun with it, and after all, what's the purpose of having OOC blacklists if you don't give them out?

After a discussion with the SA Team, we came to the conclusion to simply remove the suspension as we think it was inappropriate.

Fearless Administrator
[Image: JmCzDqB.png]

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