Concerning Mingery on other Servers.
So, recently it has came to my attention that people have been going around other servers minging with the FL:RP tags. I've been contacted numerous times myself regarding these situation and players wearing the tags getting permanently banned for propspamming, general minging and generally just trolling other communities.

I want to ask you all politely that if you are purposely going to servers to minge, that you take your tags out to stop it coming back here to prevent any trouble and arguments. It puts a bad name to the community and just causes unnecessary aggro that nobody needs. 

I also wish that you don't go to other communities saying you are on behalf of Fearless, letting people know you are only minging because they are a "Rival Community" or just a small "Dark RP community".

I am not saying anyone will be punished for this, but out of respect for Fearless can we please put an end to it?


Fearless Administrator

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