Bradley - Ban Removal off Record
Your name: [FL:RP] Bradley

Your ban ID: 64567

Banned by: [FL:M] Suarez

Reason: Homophbia - Thanks for being honest

Involved: [FL:RP] Falcao

Why we should remove your ban: I am going to state exactly what happened. I was setting up a mall 'rp' with my friends and 'Falcao' ran over and shouted a few words towards me, as we have been mates for a long time, I responded with what I always do when speaking to him on skype or teamspeak. My instant reaction to the shouting was to respond on how I do when not on the server. I can say that the word I had used can been seen as homophobic and I do respect that people view the word as a homophobic word. I did not mean the word I had said in that context and I really want to clear that up.

The word I used was meant in a different context then it apparently was seen in. I did not mean what I said as a discrimination against people who do like the same gender. I meant the word as if I was calling him an idiot but without saying idiot as the word. I apologize for saying the word and you thinking I meant it in a different fashion. If you want to further speak on steam or teamspeak, feel free.

Note: Even though it was a short ban, I would like it removed off of my record as I have cleared up. I respect why you may of thought how I use the word. The word I used is used in different context and isn't always seen as a homophobic word. Evening though the ban isn't lifted upon making this, I would still like to clear stuff up.
Ex-Server Teacher
Yeah I agree with the removal of the ban.

It's a word we use a lot between us when we are speaking, I often call him it etc. It's not us using it to say you're "g*yboy" and take the piss out of someone sexuality, more as an insult/joke we use as friends.
Hello Bradley,

I can understand the fact that you may have said this in a jokey way to a friend however seeing as I banned someone for the near enough exact same thing just before I had to stay consistent. You were honest with what you did and openly admitted it which I applaud you for. However, homophobia is not taken lightly here on FL and considering your hours you should know better. I see no reason for an unban.

[FL:M] Suarez
Fearless Moderation team
I am not writing this for an unban, simply a removal from my record once the ban is over.

I am still going to state that I wasn't the only one who exactly said things, but with that to a single side.
Ex-Server Teacher
Denied. You committed the crime, it stays.
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