Are you fo realz tho ?
Your name: Red Eyez

Your ban ID: 56299

Banned by: [FL:M] Raptor

Reason: Ok so I was basing in tides hotel like a few other people were and he comes teleports into my base, tells me to read rule " Base #7 ". As I was searching for the rule, I get banned ..

Involved: No one really.
Why we should unban you: I feel that you should unban me because I think I deserve another chance as I was the only one banned and others weren't. Also, when I read rule base #7 , it said nothing about basing in Tides Hotel.. Please consider my unban request because I really do favor the server and I want to get back on ASAP. Thank you in advance !
Please actually read and understand the rule before making an in-ban request.

Base Rule 7 All buildings in the main city street and all obvious shops are reserved for passive RP. Do not base here.

Tides hotel is in the Main Street, putting contabannd in a place makes it into a base.

I've checked all the other rooms and none of them had contrbanned.
Im really sorry, I wasn't aware of that, I've learned my lesson. You really didn't have to ban me. A nice 1 on 1 conversation shouldve been enough. Sad
Also, there was another guy basing in there, so I figured it was ok. Please understand my situation.
Your situation is understood however your ignorance for our rules is not anything we can help with. It is stated that you must read the rules upon joining the server. Although you have low hours and are not expected to know the rules back to back but this one is pretty simple.

You cannot base on main street, this includes all shops, Izzies palace, the tides hotel and the offices.

Ok I understand. But how come I was the only one banned? Thats kinda unfair if you ask me ..
Unfortunately I was not on the server therefore I do not know if there was infact others basing so I'm unable to answer to that. I'll leave it open incase the banning staff member has anything else to say.

So what Im getting from this, Im going to stay banned ?? Sad(
<post removed>
How are you involved Sgt. Suarez? Having an opinion is not being involved.
Kind Regards,

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