Unban Please
Your name: maxmahon

Your ban ID: 52269

Banned by: [FL] Shadow

Reason: i was banned because i was working with the goverment i was SRU and we were raided in the labs i got killed and respawned at the time i didnt know that NLR meant you couldnt be in the area because i died at the elevator but the re spawn point for SRU is near the labs on v33x so when i respawned i walked of so that i was being fair but then one of them tried handcuffing me so i ran off to the police officers, soon after they started to shoot me again so i shot back not knowing NLR very well i walked forward still shooting then got kicked for nlr for 1 day but then it got shortened to forever

Involved: Not sure
Why we should unban you: I know i shouldnt be sending this but since the ban i have learnt alot as i joined darkrp so far i have never been kicked or banned for 3 months which i never used to and also i didnt know it was nlr, know i know the full meaning of nlr and i can roleplay smoothly as all my bannes a couple of months ago where bad bans but near the end i was roleplaying better as i only got small bans such as nlr and failrp
Fix your template with the proper ban-reason.
Sincerely, Enzyme
Ex-Supervising Administrator
You will not be unbanned. I already shortened your sentence by 3 months in a previous request.
The ban will stay since it's your last chance.


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