Ban Request on DarkSide20
Name of player: DarkSide20

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:52491392

Time in GMT: 3:55 GMT +2 / CEST

Server: 33x

Summary: Yeah when I unlocked my car a police officer stole my car.

Give me a few minutes and I will post more evidence for a ban on Darkside, however it is not related with this situation, it is still evidence against Darkside.

This picture he was attempted to jump the wall using the small props, when me and Badl saw him, he started to remove them, however we still got a picture of some.

This is a picture of of the policeman trying to jump my base all using barrels. As you can see in the top right corner of my screen.

He then proceeded to taze and cuff me randomly then run off after the incident. Leaving me cuffed. Evidence here: is the taze and cuff evidence to proof he is the person doing the cuffing/tazing.

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