Unban request
Your name: Kongorilla

Your ban ID: 52284

Banned by: [FL:M] GeorgeTheBoy)

Reason: Breaking FearRP

Involved: I don't remember the names of the players that were involved.

Why we should unban you: I were a rebel in the suburbs and when I were on my way out a guy came to me with a gun I didn't hear what he said at first but then he put away his gun so I thought that I could leave the suburbs, but then GeorgeTheBoy picked me and my car up and froze me, and I didn't understand what had happend. And then I got banned.
Use local OOC to question people about their statements or ask them to type (.// [Text]). However, I know nothing about the situation.
[Image: MbKaP7E.png]

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