James Brown - FailRP, random raiding
Name of player: James Brown

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:45186628

Time in GMT: No idea, sorry about that. It was last night.

Server: v2d

Summary: So Scrubtron was president for a while, and he had an RP going where he had a bunch of "hobos" in the security offices on the top floor, and we were experimenting on them. He had his job as Hobo President, this guy James Brown came up there as an SRU Sergeant. A couple of the hobos had knives, and he immediately starting killing them after he was ordered not to by Scrubtron. So he gets demoted and comes back with the job "hobo", saying he wants to negotiate for the release of the other hobos. So as soon as he comes up, he pulls a deagle and starts shooting at the president, which is when I start recording. So he kills the Hobo President as a hobo, and then immediately switches to president after doing so.


Note: My job was "SRU Unarmed unit" as a joke, because the other SRU's had their jobs as "SRU - Armed unit". It was just a joke.
Kind Regards,

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