The server keeps crashing/restarting?
Hey Fearlessrp,

I have experienced a lot of server restarts/crashes. Is this due to lag or is there some other specific reason for it? Smile
The DDOS attacks are the biggest reason for the the server to crash. Sometimes the server needs to be forced to a restart while this happens.
There was a large DDOS attack as Bowie said, around 19:00 GMT - 20:00 GMT, a pain in the ass.

Don't worry, it's not a bug.
I think I know why the server is getting DDoS'ed so much now.

Summer sales = massive inflow of noobs getting gmod
More noobs = more bans because of inexperienced players
More bans = more butthurt kids DDoS'ing

I've cracked the code guys, we can all go home.
Signature removed, inappropriate image.
Not a server-side bug.


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