Ban request on Wuffles
Name of player: [FL:RP] Wuffles

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:54036973

Time in GMT: 6:10 P.M PST

Server: v33x

Summary:I was walking peacefully with daviddevvil7, then Wuffles caught daviddevvil7 escaping, and then he random tazered, warranted and arrested me, as you could see in the video
Evidence: YouTube Video

Only Evidence
Mexico is not safe
He forgot to mention the part where he walked straight out of the Nexus front door with a lockpick in his hand and an escaped prisoner (daviddevil) by his side. I tazed the prisoner to stop him from running while I chased Michael (Miles here on the forums), and then I tazed and arrested him for what was obviously a jail break.

If you have the 65 minutes of footage that you claimed to have, one might even begin to wonder why you only posted this rather out-of-context 30 seconds, rather than events leading up to the taze and arrest?
Fleet kept running.
Wuffles, I did, but you random warranted and arrested me, you even admitted to it.
Mexico is not safe
I explained the reasoning behind my warrant above, just as I explained it to you last night when you threatened a ban request. It wasn't explicitly said in chat during the arrest as there was no President. Since I was the Police Sergeant, and in the absence of a President it was my job to distribute warrants, there was no need to request it in chat unless you want me to ask myself for permission. I saw what was obviously a jail-break and warranted the culprit, unless you'd like for me to believe that David managed to waltz out of the jail alone?
Fleet kept running.
So you're saying that you shouldn't be arrested for:

1) Trespassing
2) Helping a criminal break out of jail

This BR is not convincing.

[Image: yk9I3Jg.png]

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